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如何对Bangle 2使用Blaze DS软件?

[英]How to use Blaze DS software for angular 2?

Blaze DS enables Flex to invoke remote Java methods. Blaze DS使Flex能够调用远程Java方法。 It supports translation of object returned from the server into corresponding action-script object and conversion of action-script object to java object as method argument.More details: https://dzone.com/refcardz/getting-started-blazeds 它支持将服务器返回的对象转换为相应的动作脚本对象,并将动作脚本对象转换为java对象作为方法参数。更多详细信息: https : //dzone.com/refcardz/getting-started-blazeds

How can I use it for angular-Java which can automatically map angular type-script object to java bean object while making a server call. 如何将其用于angular-Java,它可以在进行服务器调用时自动将angular-type-script对象映射到java bean对象。 It can avoid hassle of converting json-string to Java Bean Object and vice versa. 这样可以避免将json-string转换为Java Bean Object的麻烦,反之亦然。

I have got the following by googling on SO: how can I talk to a blazeds endpoint without flash 通过在SO上进行搜索,我得到了以下信息: 如何在不使用Flash的情况下与炽烈的端点进行对话

Still looking for more information on the same. 仍在寻找相同的更多信息。

I think question still makes sense to Java/Flex developers. 我认为问题对于Java / Flex开发人员仍然有意义。 Flex had AMF binary serialization protocol and there was excellent BlazeDS java implementation which was really convenient to use. Flex具有AMF二进制序列化协议,并且有出色的BlazeDS Java实现,使用起来非常方便。

Angular is limited to web standards: XML/JSON/Text/... data over HTTP protocol or WebSocket, so the answer is No. Angular限于Web标准:通过HTTP协议或WebSocket传输的XML / JSON / Text / ...数据,因此答案是否定的。

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