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[英]Can a subclass access parent class private members if both the classes are in the same package

I am reading a Java Doc , which says 我正在阅读Java Doc ,其中说

A subclass inherits all of the public and protected members of its parent, no matter what package the subclass is in. If the subclass is in the same package as its parent, it also inherits the package-private members of the parent. 子类继承其父级的所有公共成员和受保护成员,无论该子类位于哪个程序包中。如果该子类与其父级位于同一程序包中,则它还将继承父级的程序包私有成员。 You can use the inherited members as is, replace them, hide them, or supplement them with new members 您可以按原样使用继承的成员,替换它们,隐藏它们,或用新成员补充它们

It says a Subclass can access the Parent's class private members if they are in the same package. 它说如果子类在同一包中,则可以访问父类的私有成员。 I have tried it , I am unable to access the Private member of the parent Class in Subclass 我已经尝试过了,但是无法访问子类中父类的私有成员

No, it states 不,它说

If the subclass is in the same package as its parent, it also inherits the package-private members of the parent 如果子类与其父级位于同一包中,则它还将继承父级的package-private成员

package-private (no modifier) is not the same thing as private ( private modifier). package-private (无修饰符)与privateprivate修饰符)不同。 See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html for the differences. 有关差异,请参见https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html

There is a difference between package-private and private members. package-private private成员和private成员之间有区别 Private members can't be accessed by anyone other than the class itself . 班级以外的任何人都不能访问私人成员。 But Package private members are those members who are private to that particular package only and they can be accessed by any member within that particular package . 但包私有成员谁是那些成员private只有特定的包,他们可以通过特定的包中的任何成员进行访问。



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