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[英]Python - Scrabble_score

Can someone break down the individual components that make up scrabble_score: 有人可以分解构成scrabble_score的各个组件吗:

score = {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 3, "e": 1, "d": 2, "g": 2, 
    "f": 4, "i": 1, "h": 4, "k": 5, "j": 8, "m": 3, 
    "l": 1, "o": 1, "n": 1, "q": 10, "p": 3, "s": 1, 
    "r": 1, "u": 1, "t": 1, "w": 4, "v": 4, "y": 4, 
    "x": 8, "z": 10}

def scrabble_score(word):
    return sum([score[x] for x in word.replace(" ", "").lower() if x in score])

The structure is a list comprehension. 该结构是列表理解。 This is a terse way of creating a list from an iterable. 这是从迭代器创建列表的简洁方法。 See below where the 1 s are list comps and the 2 s are traditional for loops. 见下面,其中1 s为列表谱曲和2 s为传统for循环。

result1 = [some_value for element in iterable]
# where the group of "value" statements is the final list

result2 = []
for element in iterable:

example1 = [x**2 for x in range(10)]  #  [0**2, 1**2, 2**2, ..., 9**2]
example2 = []
for x in range(10):

This particular listcomp is using a dict lookup ( score[x] ) as the value of the list, where x is each element of word.replace(" ", "").lower() . 这个特定的listcomp使用dict查找( score[x] )作为列表的值,其中xword.replace(" ", "").lower()每个元素。 It also uses a conditional filtering statement at the end to make sure it only selects those elements where x is in score (so something like it's doesn't fail on the ' .) 它还使用条件过滤语句的结束,以确保它只会选择其中那些元素x是在score (所以像it's在不会失败' 。)

Wrapped around it is sum , which simply adds all the numbers in a list and gives the result. 包裹在它周围的是sum ,它只是将列表中的所有数字相加并给出结果。

broken down (in bold)... 细分(以粗体显示)...

return sum([score[x] for x in word.replace(" ", "").lower() if x in score])

removes all spaces and converts to all lower case 删除所有空格并转换为所有小写字母

return sum([score[x] for x in word.replace(" ", "").lower() if x in score])

for each letter after removing spaces and converting to lower case 删除空格并转换为小写后的每个字母

return sum([score[x] for x in word.replace(" ", "").lower() if x in score ])

if that letter is in the score dictionary 如果该字母在分数字典中

return sum([ score[x] for x in word.replace(" ", "").lower() if x in score])

get the score for that letter and add it to a list 获得该字母的分数并将其添加到列表中

return sum([ score[x] for x in word.replace(" ", "").lower() if x in score ])

after getting the score for each letter, add up the sum of the resulting list of values and return 得到每个字母的分数后,将结果列表的总和相加并返回

you can use this code for solution 您可以使用此代码作为解决方案

total_score variable is to sum letter score. total_score变量用于求和字母得分。 the score[char.lower()] is for code that will work even if the letters you get are uppercase, lowercase, or a mix score [char.lower()]用于即使您得到的字母是大写,小写或混合字母也可以使用的代码

 def scrabble_score (word):
  for char in word:
  return total_score  

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