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(AWS Opsworks)Terraform Chef设置:错误:认证失败

[英](AWS Opsworks) Terraform Chef provisioning: ERROR: Failed to authenticate

New to Terraform and I am trying to bootstrap a node to chef after the instance is created. Terraform的新手,我正在尝试在创建实例后将节点引导至Chef。

Here is the file: 这是文件:

resource "aws_instance" "jenkinsNode" {

provisioner "remote-exec" {
connection {
  user = "ubuntu"
  private_key = "${file("~/key/mykey.pem")}"
  host = "${aws_instance.jenkinsNode.public_ip}" 

inline = [
  "sudo mkdir -p /etc/chef/trusted_certs",
  "sudo curl --silent --show-error --retry 3 --location --output 

provisioner "chef" {

environment     = "_default"
run_list        = ["android-aws-nodes::updateAndroidSdk"]
node_name       = "jenkinsNodeOnDemandUpdate"
secret_key      = "${file("~/chef/mobile-chef-aws/.chef/private.pem")}"
server_url      = "https://my-opsworks-server.io/organizations/default"
recreate_client = true
user_name       = "delivery"
user_key        = "${file("~/chef/mobile-chef-aws/.chef/private.pem")}"
version         = "12.8.1"

connection {
user = "ubuntu"
private_key = "${file("~/key/jenkins-main.pem")}"

 count = 1
 instance_type = "c4.8xlarge"
 ami = "ami-0000000"
 key_name = "mykey"
 subnet_id = "subnet-00000000"
 vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-00000000"]

I am receiving the following error when I run when I try to apply the above code. 尝试应用以上代码时,我在运行时收到以下错误。 I connected and starts the bootstrap process but it keeps complaining that it can't find the private (Which I believe is created when run the "client create". I ssh'd into the instance and I do not see the ubuntu.pem in the /etc/chef/ directory: 我连接并启动了引导过程,但始终抱怨它找不到私有(我相信这是在运行“客户端创建”时创建的。我进入了该实例,但看不到ubuntu.pem / etc / chef /目录:

UPDATED aws_instance.jenkinsNode (chef): ERROR: Failed to authenticate to https://mobile-b9oer25dyrts1qor.us-east-1.opsworks-cm.io/organizations/default/ as delivery with key /etc/chef/delivery.pem aws_instance.jenkinsNode (chef): Response: Invalid signature for user or client 'delivery' aws_instance.jenkinsNode (chef): Cleanup user key... 更新的aws_instance.jenkinsNode(chef):错误:无法通过密钥/etc/chef/delivery.pem进行身份验证到https://mobile-b9oer25dyrts1qor.us-east-1.opsworks-cm.io/organizations/default/作为交付aws_instance.jenkinsNode(chef):响应:用户或客户端“传递”的无效签名aws_instance.jenkinsNode(chef):清理用户密钥...

Error applying plan:

1 error(s) occurred:

* aws_instance.jenkinsNode: 1 error(s) occurred:

* Command "sudo knife client create jenkinsNodeOnDemandUpdate -d -f /etc/chef/client.pem -c /etc/chef/client.rb -u ubuntu --key /etc/chef/ubuntu.pem" exited with non-zero exit status: 100

There is no key when you log in, because it is removed right after failed bootstrap 登录时没有密钥,因为引导失败后会立即将其删除

aws_instance.jenkinsNode (chef): Cleanup user key...

Double check if key ( ~/key/mykey.pem ) on machine which runs Terraform is in proper format. 仔细检查运行Terraform的计算机上的密钥( ~/key/mykey.pem )是否格式正确。 Also it should be loaded with $file or put as String: 另外,它应该加载$file或作为String放置:

user_key        = "${file("~/key/mykey.pem")}"

Just double check if Terraform supports ~ . 只需仔细检查Terraform是否支持~

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