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[英]Could not return value from factory method using Angular.js

I need some help. 我需要协助。 I am trying to return value rom actory method but could not do that getting some expected error. 我正在尝试返回rom actory方法的值,但无法做到这一点,得到了一些预期的错误。 I am explaining my code below. 我在下面解释我的代码。

    var defaultView=function(){
        return true;
    var auditView=function(){
        return false;


Here I am getting the below error. 在这里,我得到以下错误。

Error: [$injector:undef] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.6/$injector/undef?p0=showNabh
    at angularjs.js:6
    at Object.$get (angularjs.js:37)
    at Object.e [as invoke] (angularjs.js:39)
    at angularjs.js:41
    at d (angularjs.js:38)
    at e (angularjs.js:39)
    at Object.instantiate (angularjs.js:39)
    at angularjs.js:80
    at q (angularuirouter.js:7)
    at A (angularuirouter.js:7)

Here I need when I will call defaultView function I will get the true value and if I will call auditView unction I will get the false value. 在这里,我需要在调用defaultView函数时获取true值,并且如果我将调用auditView函数获取虚假值。 Actually i need to $scope.showNabh variable global so that I can assign any value to this variable in any controller. 实际上,我需要全局$scope.showNabh变量,以便可以在任何控制器中将此变量分配任何值。 Please help. 请帮忙。

There's no return statement in your factory, so it's implicitly returning undefined. 您的工厂中没有return语句,因此它隐式返回undefined。 Try this: 尝试这个:

    var defaultView=function(){
        return true;
    var auditView=function(){
        return false;

    return {
        defaultView: defaultView,
        auditView: auditView

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