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[英]Nested foreach to LINQ in multi-level dictionary

I would like to simplify below nested foreach loops using LINQ but couldn't figure out the way. 我想在下面使用LINQ简化嵌套的foreach循环,但找不到答案。 I guess I can use SelectMany using lambda but not sure. 我想我可以使用lambda来使用SelectMany,但不确定。 I want to create list of objects of ClassA after this nested iteration. 我想在此嵌套迭代之后创建ClassA对象的列表。 Any help is appreciated: 任何帮助表示赞赏:

public List<ClassA> GetLists(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<IEnumerable, Dictionary<string, ClassB>>> groups)
    var retOutput = new List<ClassA>();

    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<IEnumerable, Dictionary<string, ClassB>>> group1 in groups)
        foreach (KeyValuePair<IEnumerable, Dictionary<string, ClassB>> group2 in group1.Value)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ClassB> group3 in group2.Value)
                GetList(retOutput, group1.Key, 

    return retOutput;

private static void GetList(List<ClassA> retOutput, 
    string group1Key, 
    IEnumerable group2Key, 
    KeyValuePair<string, ClassB> group3)
    List<List<string>> itemIdsLists = group3.Value.ItemId.IntoChunks(2000);
    foreach (var itemIdList in itemIdsLists)
        var currentRequest = new ClassA
            TransactionType = group1Key,
            Filters = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
            ItemIds = new List<string>(),
            PropStreamsDict = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<long, string>>()
        if (group2Key is Dictionary<string, object>)
            currentRequest.Filters = (Dictionary<string, object>)group2Key;
        currentRequest.PropStreamsDict.Add(group3.Key, Tuple.Create(group3.Value.StreamId,

You should use SelectMany to make nested foreach . 您应该使用SelectMany来嵌套foreach

Here what I come up with: 这是我想出的:

public List<ClassA> GetLists(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<IEnumerable, Dictionary<string, ClassB>>> groups)
    return groups
        .SelectMany(grp1 => grp1.Value
            .SelectMany(grp2 => grp2.Value
                .SelectMany(grp3 => grp3.Value.ItemId
                    .Select(itemIdList =>
                        new ClassA
                            TransactionType = grp1.Key,
                            Filters = grp2.Key is Dictionary<string, object> ? 
                                (Dictionary<string, object>)grp2.Key :
                                new Dictionary<string, object>(),
                            ItemIds = new List<string>(itemIdList),
                            PropStreamsDict = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<long, string>>
                                { grp3.Key, Tuple.Create(grp3.Value.StreamId, grp3.Value.Uom) }

You didn't post your ClassA and ClassB so I had to guess. 您没有发布ClassAClassB所以我不得不猜测。

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