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[英]How do I add an edited open-source project to my own project?

I have downloaded an open-source package from github and I've made the edits that I needed to make it work in my own project. 我从github下载了一个开源程序包,并进行了必要的编辑以使其在我自己的项目中起作用。

Now, I need to place the edited code into my own project. 现在,我需要将编辑后的代码放入我自己的项目中。 How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢? The project is in Angular 4 and I'm using npm. 该项目在Angular 4中,我正在使用npm。

I am very new to using npm and Angular so I've mostly just done npm installs of packages I would need. 我对使用npm和Angular非常陌生,因此我基本上只是完成了需要的npm安装软件包。 How do I make sure I'm getting my edited version and not the original version from github? 如何确保我得到的是我的编辑版本而不是github的原始版本?

You should put up a fork/repository of your changes on Github (or any other git versioning system), which also makes them easier to track. 您应该在Github(或任何其他git版本系统)上建立您的更改的派生/存储库,这也使它们更易于跟踪。

If you have your repository up on Github or anywhere else, you can simply use 如果您在Github或其他任何地方建立了存储库,则只需使用

npm install <git remote url>

to install your package! 安装您的软件包!


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