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我可以在Unity3d 2017.2中使用Java脚本语言吗?

[英]Can I use Java script language in Unity3d 2017.2?

I notice that in MonoDevelop editor the auto correction for javascript it doesn't work . 我注意到在MonoDevelop编辑器中,javascript的自动更正不起作用。 Does this mean that Unity is willing to abandon JS ? 这是否意味着Unity愿意放弃JS? Can I use Java script language in Unity 2017.2 ? 我可以在Unity 2017.2中使用Java脚本语言吗?

Yes , you can still use it in Unity 2017.2. 是的 ,您仍然可以在Unity 2017.2中使用它。 The menu to create a Javascript script is gone . 创建Javascript脚本的菜单不见了 You have to create a Javascript file with an external file Editor like Notepad then drag it into your Unity project and it should just work. 您必须使用诸如记事本之类的外部文件编辑器创建一个Javascript文件,然后将其拖动到Unity项目中,它才可以正常工作。 It should have .js extension. 它应该具有.js扩展名。

Note that Unity is in the process of stripping the Javascript compiler out of Unity Editor so you won't be able to use Javascript in the future. 请注意,Unity正在从Unity Editor中剥离Javascript编译器,因此将来您将无法使用Javascript。 See this post for more information. 有关更多信息,请参见此帖子。

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