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[英]how to get count of total records without size in elastic search

I want to get count of total records from elastic search. 我想从弹性搜索中获取总记录数。 below is my code 下面是我的代码

 $params = [
            'index' => $this->client->getIndex(),
            'type'  => $this->client->getType(),
            "from" => 0, "size" => 10,
            //"scroll" => "1m",

            'body'  => [
           "query" => [
               "bool" => [
                  "must" => [
                          "multi_match" => [
                              "fields" => ["prod_name", "prod_seo_name"],
                              "type" => "phrase_prefix",
                              "query" => $query
                          "term"=> ["cat_type_id"=>1]

Executing manual query is giving 400 records whereas elastic search giving 10 records. 执行手动查询将显示400条记录,而弹性搜索将显示10条记录。 How do I get total records regardless of size.? 不论大小,如何获取总记录?


$maxScore     = $results['hits']['max_score'];

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