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[英]Calling a method from a derived class object that returns a base class pointer

I have a misunderstanding with some c++ OOP concepts, for example If I have a base class that returns a pointer to an object of the same class, say:我对一些 C++ OOP 概念有误解,例如,如果我有一个base类返回指向同一类对象的指针,请说:

class base{
    int baseVal;
    base* foo(){
        return new base;

and a derived class that inherits method foo() :以及继承方法foo()derived类:

class derived : public base{
    int derivedVal;
    //some other members

My problem is "What will happen when I call the method foo() from a derived object? are there any way -instead of overriding- to make it return an object of derived not base ?"我的问题是“当我从derived对象调用方法foo()时会发生什么?有什么方法 - 而不是覆盖 - 让它返回一个derived对象而不是base ?” for example:例如:

int main(){
    derived obj1;
    derived * obj2P = obj1.foo();
    cout << obj2P->derivedVal << endl;
    return 0;

How may I handle something like that?我该如何处理这样的事情?

You can achieve what you want with a templated base class.您可以使用模板化基类实现您想要的。

template<typename derived_t>
class base {
  derived_t* foo() {
    return new derived_t;

class derived : public base<derived> {
  int derivedVal;
  //some other members

See also the CRTP pattern.另请参阅 CRTP 模式。

Although, it is generally bad practice to return an owning raw pointer and you should prefer to return smart pointer like unique_ptr :虽然,返回拥有的原始指针通常是不好的做法,您应该更喜欢返回像unique_ptr这样的智能指针:

template<typename derived_t>
class base {
  std::unique_ptr<derived_t> foo() {
    return std::make_unique<derived_t>();

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