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使用状态与 TypeScript 反应

[英]Using state in react with TypeScript

I am new to TypeScript.我是 TypeScript 的新手。 I've got a problem with displaying this.state.something inside the render method or assigning it to a variable inside a function.我在渲染方法中显示 this.state.something 或将其分配给函数中的变量时遇到问题。

Have a look at the most important piece of code:看看最重要的一段代码:

interface State {
    playOrPause?: string;

class Player extends React.Component {
    constructor() {

        this.state = {
            playOrPause: 'Play'

    render() {
                    ref={playPause => this.playPause = playPause}
                    title={this.state.playOrPause} // in this line I get an error

The errors says: "[ts] Property 'playOrPause' does not exist on type 'ReadOnly<{}>'.错误说:“[ts] 属性 'playOrPause' 在类型 'ReadOnly<{}>' 上不存在。

I tried to declare the playOrPause property to be a type of string and it didn't work.我试图将 playOrPause 属性声明为一种字符串,但它不起作用。 What am I missing here to make it work?我在这里缺少什么才能使它工作?

You need to declare that your component is using the State interface, it used by Typescript's Generics.您需要声明您的组件正在使用 State 接口,它由 Typescript 的泛型使用。

interface IProps {

interface IState {
  playOrPause?: string;

class Player extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
  // ------------------------------------------^
  constructor(props: IProps) {

    this.state = {
      playOrPause: 'Play'

  render() {
          ref={playPause => this.playPause = playPause}
          title={this.state.playOrPause} // in this line I get an error

In case anyone is wondering how to implement it with hooks :如果有人想知道如何使用钩子实现它:

const [value, setValue] = useState<number>(0);

useState is a generic function, that means that it can accept a type parameter. useState 是一个泛型函数,这意味着它可以接受一个类型参数。 This type-parameter will tell TypeScript which types are acceptable for this state.这个类型参数将告诉 TypeScript 哪些类型可以接受这种状态。

In my case ( working with TypeScript, and the state value was actually a boolean ) I've had the same problem, I've fixed it by passing the state value I wanted to mark as output to String():在我的情况下(使用 TypeScript,状态值实际上是一个布尔值)我遇到了同样的问题,我通过将我想标记为输出的状态值传递给 String() 来修复它:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

interface ITestProps {
  name: string;

interface ITestState {
  toggle: boolean;

class Test extends Component<ITestProps, ITestState> {
  constructor(props: ITestProps) {

    this.state = {
      toggle: false,

    this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);

  onClick() {
    this.setState((previousState, props) => ({
      toggle: !previousState.toggle,

  render() {
    return (
        Hello, {this.props.name}!
        <br />
        Toggle state is: {String(this.state.toggle)}

Just declare interface or type with property, types, and annotate it to state.只需使用属性、类型声明接口或类型,并将其注释为状态。 the ? ? mean optional:意思是可选的:

interface ITestProps {}

interface ITestState {
  playOrPause?: string;

class Player extends React.Component<ITestProps, ITestState> {

  state = {
     playOrPause: 'Play'

  render() {
    return // your code here

You can add more value as per your need to interface above if then you need the same state to pass it to child component you just need to create a file with .d.ts and you should be good to go!您可以根据需要为上面的接口添加更多值,如果您需要相同的状态将其传递给子组件,您只需要创建一个带有.d.ts的文件就可以了!

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