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[英]Remove a digit from a number(integer) in python

For all indices, i am required to remove that place's Digit.对于所有索引,我需要删除那个地方的数字。 An integer a, converting it to String, ie S. And there after iterate through the length of string,一个整数a,将其转换为String,即S。然后遍历字符串的长度,

for i in range(len(S)):
    new =S[:i]+S[i+1:]

Is there any more efficient way to remove the digit from integer?有没有更有效的方法从整数中删除数字?

UPDATE: It seems to be counterintuitive, but string-based solution is much faster then int-based.更新:这似乎违反直觉,但基于字符串的解决方案比基于 int 的解决方案要快得多 Here're my code and results in seconds for 103-, 226-digit and 472-digit numbers.这是我的代码,103 位、226 位和 472 位数字的结果以秒为单位。 I decided not to test 102139-digit number on my laptop :)我决定不在我的笔记本电脑上测试 102139 位数字 :)

import timeit, math

digits = [100, 200, 500, 1_000, 2_000, 5_000, 10_000, 50_000, 100_000]

def print_str(n):
  s = str(n)
  for i in range(len(s)):
    n2 = int(s[:i] + s[i+1:])

def print_int(a):
  p = 1
  while p <= a:
        n2 = a//p//10*p + a%p
        p *= 10

if __name__ == '__main__':
  number = 1
  for i in digits:
    n = 17**math.ceil(math.log(10**i, 17))
    str_ = timeit.timeit('print_str(n)', setup='from __main__ import print_str, n', number=number)
    int_ = timeit.timeit('print_int(n)', setup='from __main__ import print_int, n', number=number)
    print("{:8d}\t{:15.6f}\t{:15.6f}".format(len(str(n)), str_/number*1000, int_/number*1000))

Results (in milliseconds for particular number length):结果(特定数字长度的毫秒数):

$ time python3 main.py
     101           0.169280        0.185082
     201           0.502591        0.537000
     501           3.917680        3.195815
    1001          13.768999       22.781801
    2001         114.404890      120.546628
    5001        1066.541904     1625.172070
   10002        8033.144731     8802.031382
   50001      937385.167088  1045865.986814
  100002     7800950.456252  8189620.010314

First column - number of digits, second one - time in milliseconds for the str-based solution, and third - for the int-based.第一列 - 位数,第二列 - 基于 str 的解决方案以毫秒为单位,第三列 - 基于 int 的解决方案。

But how is it possible?但怎么可能呢?

It could be understood if we remember how endless integer numbers are constructed in Python.如果我们还记得 Python 中无穷的整数是如何构造的,就可以理解了。 Under the hood there's an array of 15- or 30-bit integers which being joined produces the result number.在引擎盖下有一个 15 位或 30 位整数的数组,它们被连接起来会产生结果数。 So when you divide this number you have to walk through the whole array and modify every every digit.因此,当您除此数字时,您必须遍历整个数组并修改每个数字。 Also take in account complexity - sometimes you have to add or subtract from more significant digit, that complicates process.还要考虑复杂性 - 有时您必须添加或减去更重要的数字,这会使过程复杂化。

When you use strings, you only copy bytes from one place to another.当您使用字符串时,您只能将字节从一个地方复制到另一个地方。 It's extremely fast procedure made with internal cpu instruction.这是使用内部 cpu 指令制作的极其快速的过程。

But what if we do not need conversion to int?但是,如果我们不需要转换为 int 怎么办? For example, we want to print a number, so having it in a string form is better?例如,我们要打印一个数字,那么以字符串形式显示它会更好吗? How will it enfaster process?它将如何加快进程?

Here're results - also in ms for different length这是结果 - 不同长度也以毫秒为单位

 $ time python3 main.py
     101           0.051510        0.124668
     201           0.091741        0.442547
     501           0.357862        2.562110
    1001           0.787016       15.229156
    2001           2.545076      111.917518
    5001           4.993472     1334.944235

UPD: Bencharks of updated versions: UPD:更新版本的基准:

$ time python3 main2.py

digits        str1        str2        int1        int2
   101       0.047       0.101       0.110       0.073
   201       0.091       0.315       0.380       0.145
   501       0.338       2.049       2.540       0.778
  1001       1.342      16.878      16.032       1.621
  2001       1.626      85.277      97.809       5.553
  5001       4.903    1039.889    1326.481      32.490
 10002      15.987    7856.753    9512.209     129.280
 20001      72.205   60363.860   68219.334     487.088

real    2m29.403s
user    2m27.902s
sys 0m0.577s

Another answer producing integers, much faster at that than my other answer and the OP's string solution:另一个产生整数的答案,比我的其他答案和 OP 的字符串解决方案快得多:

>>> a = 12345

>>> digits = [0] + list(map(int, str(a)))
>>> p = 10**(len(digits) - 2)
>>> for x, y in zip(digits, digits[1:]):
        a += (x - y) * p
        p //= 10


This goes from 2345 to 1345 by replacing the 2 with the 1, which it does by subtracting 2⋅1000 and adding 1⋅1000.这通过将 2 替换为 1 来从 2345 变为 1345,它通过减去 2⋅1000 并添加 1⋅1000 来实现。 Or in short, by adding (1-2)⋅1000.或者简而言之,通过添加 (1-2)⋅1000。 Then it goes from 1345 to 1245 by adding (2-3)⋅100.然后通过添加 (2-3)⋅100 从 1345 变为 1245。 And so on.等等。

Benchmark results, using a modified version of Eugene's program:基准测试结果,使用 Eugene 程序的修改版本:

digits        str1        str2        int1        int2
   101       0.085       0.255       0.376       0.157
   201       0.161       0.943       1.569       0.389
   501       0.514       9.180       9.932       0.983
  1001       0.699      30.544      39.796       2.218
  2001       1.402     203.429     291.006       8.435
  5001       4.852    2691.292    3983.420      50.616
 10002      16.080   21139.318   29114.274     197.343
 20001      54.884  167641.593  222848.841     789.182

str1 is the time for the OP's string solution, producing strings. str1 是 OP 的字符串解决方案的时间,产生字符串。

str2 is the time for the OP's string solution, turning the strings into ints. str2 是 OP 的字符串解决方案的时间,将字符串转换为整数。
int1 is my other solution producing ints. int1 是我生产整数的另一个解决方案。
int2 is my new solution producing ints. int2 是我生产整数的新解决方案。

No surprise that the OP's string solution is the fastest overall.毫不奇怪,OP 的字符串解决方案总体上是最快的。 Its runtime complexity is quadratic in the number of digits.它的运行时复杂度是位数的二次方。 Which is the total output size, so that's optimal.这是总输出大小,所以这是最优的。 My new solution is quadratic as well, but doing calculations is of course more work than pure copying.我的新解决方案也是二次的,但是做计算当然比纯粹的复制要多。

For producing ints, my new solution is by far the fastest.对于生产整数,我的新解决方案是迄今为止最快的。 My old one and the OP's have cubic runtime for that (with the OP's apparently being around 1.4 times as fast as my old one).我的旧版本和 OP 具​​有立方运行时间(OP 的速度显然是我的旧版本的 1.4 倍左右)。

The benchmark program (modified version of Eugene's):基准程序(Eugene 的修改版):

import timeit, math

digits = [100, 200, 500, 1_000, 2_000, 5_000, 10_000, 20_000]

def print_str_1(n):
  s = str(n)
  for i in range(len(s)):
    n2 = s[:i] + s[i+1:]

def print_str_2(n):
  s = str(n)
  for i in range(len(s)):
    n2 = int(s[:i] + s[i+1:])

def print_int_1(a):
  p = 1
  while p <= a:
        n2 = a//p//10*p + a%p
        p *= 10

def print_int_2(a):
    digits = [0] + list(map(int, str(a)))
    p = 10**(len(digits) - 2)
    for x, y in zip(digits, digits[1:]):
        a += (x - y) * p
        p //= 10

if __name__ == '__main__':
  print(("{:>6}" + 4 * "{:>12}").format('digits', 'str1', 'str2', 'int1', 'int2'))
  number = 1
  for i in digits:
    n = 17**math.ceil(math.log(10**i, 17))
    str1 = timeit.timeit('print_str_1(n)', setup='from __main__ import print_str_1, n', number=number)
    str2 = timeit.timeit('print_str_2(n)', setup='from __main__ import print_str_2, n', number=number)
    int1 = timeit.timeit('print_int_1(n)', setup='from __main__ import print_int_1, n', number=number)
    int2 = timeit.timeit('print_int_2(n)', setup='from __main__ import print_int_2, n', number=number)
    print(("{:6d}" + 4 * "{:12.3f}").format(len(str(n)), *(x/number*1000 for x in (str1, str2, int1, int2))))

You could also do it without strings:你也可以不使用字符串:

>>> a = 12345
>>> p = 1
>>> while p <= a:
        print a/p/10*p + a%p
        p *= 10

#This Method will help you Get first n elements 
    def GetFirstNNumber(number,n):
        lenght=int(math.log10(i))+1 #to know the number of digit in the number take log10

#This Method will help you Remove first n elements
    def RemoveFirstNNumber(number,n):
        lenght=int(math.log10(i))+1 #to know the number of digit in the number take log10


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