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如果我使用免费套餐,使用AWS CloudFormation是否会产生费用?

[英]Does using AWS CloudFormation incurs charges if I'm on the Free Tier?

I am on the free tier on AWS and wanted to create a CloudFormation template. 我在AWS的免费套餐上,想创建一个CloudFormation模板。 For that I found that I can use CloudFormation, however it seems creating EC2 instance. 为此,我发现可以使用CloudFormation,但是似乎可以创建EC2实例。

Will this cost me money if I'm on the Free Tier? 如果我进入免费套餐,这会花我钱吗? Also why does it need to create an EC2 instance? 另外,为什么需要创建EC2实例?

There will be a cost if it creates something other than a t2.micro instance. 如果创建的不是t2.micro实例,则将产生成本。 If it can use a t2.micro then you could shutdown your current t2.micro (if you have one running) while the CloudFormer server runs. 如果它可以使用t2.micro,则可以在CloudFormer服务器运行时关闭当前的t2.micro(如果正在运行)。

It needs to create an EC2 instance because all it is is a Ruby script that queries your AWS account. 它需要创建一个EC2实例,因为它只是一个查询您的AWS账户的Ruby脚本。 The last time I tried it it was very out of date and missing support for lots of AWS services. 我上次尝试的时间已经过时,并且缺少对许多AWS服务的支持。 It was also slow and buggy and was a pain to get it to complete without errors. 它也很慢且有故障,很难完成而没有错误。 It's a shame they can't just release the script and you could run it however you saw fit. 他们不能只发布脚本,而您可以运行它,但觉得合适,真是可惜。 Or better yet they should build this feature directly into the CloudFormation console. 更好的是,他们应该直接将此功能内置到CloudFormation控制台中。

The free tier simply means that for a limited time period you have access to some free resources. 免费套餐只是意味着您可以在有限的时间内访问一些免费资源。 These include some use of a t2.micro instance, some s3 bucket space, limited use of DynamoDB tables and other specific things. 其中包括对t2.micro实例的某些使用,某些s3存储桶空间,对DynamoDB表的有限使用以及其他特定功能。

Here are some details about the free tier 以下是有关免费套餐的一些详细信息

You specifically asked about using a Cloudformation template to make a Cloudformation stack 您特别询问过有关使用Cloudformation模板制作Cloudformation堆栈的问题

Cloudformation pricing works like this (see https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/pricing/ ) Cloudformation定价是这样的(请参阅https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/pricing/

There is no additional charge for AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation不收取额外费用。 You pay for AWS resources (such as Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, etc.) created using AWS CloudFormation in the same manner as if you created them manually. 您需要支付使用AWS CloudFormation创建的AWS资源(例如Amazon EC2实例,Elastic Load Balancing负载均衡器等)的方式,就像您手动创建它们一样。

So, if the things that the Cloudformation template wants to make are in the free tier, they are free. 因此,如果Cloudformation模板要制作的东西在免费层中,则它们是免费的。 If they are not, you will be charged 如果不是,将向您收费

Cloudformation shows estimated charges before making the stack of items from the template, see this page for details of how to get the estimates Cloudformation在从模板中生成项目堆栈之前显示估计的费用,有关如何获取估计的详细信息,请参见此页面

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-paying.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-paying.html

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