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使用堆栈C ++对Postfix的修复:错误代码6

[英]Infix to Postfix Using Stacks C++: Error Code 6

My assignment is to implement stacks using singly linked lists to convert a string which is in infix form to postfix form. 我的任务是使用单链接列表实现堆栈,以将以中缀形式转换为后缀形式的字符串。 For simplicity, this string does not contain any spaces. 为简单起见,此字符串不包含任何空格。

My algorithm in a nutshell is: 简而言之,我的算法是:

  1. read character from infix string 从中缀字符串读取字符

  2. create a temp node with the character and its associated precedence in the order of operations 按照操作顺序,使用字符及其关联的优先级创建一个临时节点

  3. push it onto the stack if it is an operation and not a number/if it is a number, automatically append it to the postfix string 如果是操作而不是数字,则将其压入堆栈/如果是数字,则将其自动附加到后缀字符串

  4. every time a character is pushed onto the stack, if the top node of the stack has a higher precedence than the temp node of the next character, pop it from the stack and append it to the postfix string. 每次将一个字符压入堆栈时,如果堆栈的顶部节点的优先级高于下一个字符的临时节点的优先级,请从堆栈中将其弹出,并将其附加到后缀字符串中。

These steps work when doing an infix to postfix by hand. 手动对后缀进行缀缀时,这些步骤有效。 Whenever I try to run my code, I keep getting an error 6 SIGABRT. 每当我尝试运行代码时,都会不断出现错误6 SIGABRT。 My code should be easy to understand. 我的代码应该很容易理解。 Can anyone tell me what this error means, why I am getting it, and how to fix it so that my code outputs the postfix string properly? 谁能告诉我这个错误的含义,为什么得到它,以及如何解决它,以便我的代码正确输出postfix字符串?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
string postfix; //infix and postfix strings

//function to return true if a character is an operation
bool isoperator(char a)
    if(a == '(' ||  ')' || '*' || '/' || '+' || '-') //might need to 
change to "" instead of ''

//node class
class node
    char character;
    //double number;
    int level; //to check for precedence of operations
    node *ptr;
    void assignlevel()
            case ')':
                level = 3;
            case '(':
                level = 0;
            case '+':
                level = 1;
            case '-':
                level = 1;
            case '*':
                level = 2;
            case '/':
                level = 2;
                level = 0;
friend class stack;

//stack class
class stack
    node *top, *temp;

//Constructor Function
    top = new node;
    top->character = '&';
    top->ptr = NULL;
    top->level = 0;
    temp = new node;
    temp->ptr = NULL;

bool empty()
    return(top->character == '&');

//Read character from string
void readchar(char a)
    temp->character = a;

//Check Precedence of top and temp
bool precedence()
    return(top->level >= temp->level);

//Push function for infix to postfix
void push1(char a)
    if(isoperator(temp->character)) //Push onto stack if character is an operation
            top->character = temp->character;
            node *v = new node;
            v->character = temp->character;
            v->level = temp->level;
            v->ptr = top;
            top = v;
            delete v;
    else //append to string if character is number
        postfix += temp->character;

    if(precedence()) //we check if we have to pop every time we push 
onto the stack

    void pop1() //Pop onto postfix string
        postfix += top->character;
        node *w = top->ptr;
        delete &top;
        top = w;
        delete w;

int main()
    string infix = "2+3-5*(7+1)";
    stack op;
    for(int i = 0; i < infix.size(); ++i)

    for(int j = 0; j < infix.size(); j++)
        cout << postfix[j];
    return 0;

Why do you do "delete v" in push? 为什么要在推送中“删除v”? This deletes the node you have just created. 这将删除您刚刚创建的节点。

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