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如何为所有 unittest.TestCase 类执行 tearDown 和 setUp 方法

[英]How can I execute tearDown and setUp method for all unittest.TestCase classes

I have one class BaseTest and all tests are extended from it.我有一个 BaseTest 类,所有测试都是从它扩展而来的。 Tests are located in different modules and packages.测试位于不同的模块和包中。 setUpClass and tearDownClass methods are executed before each unittest.TestCase class. setUpClass 和 tearDownClass 方法在每个 unittest.TestCase 类之前执行。 How can I execute setUp and tearDown only once.如何只执行一次 setUp 和 tearDown。 Before and after all tests.在所有测试之前和之后。

this is example of code:这是代码示例:

import unittest

class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):

if __name__ == '__main__':


class TestOne(BaseTest):
    def test_one(self):
        print("Test One")

class TestTwo(BaseTest):
    def test_two(self):
        print("Test Two")

if __name__ == '__main__':


class TestThree(BaseTest):
    def test_three(self):
        print("Test Three")

class TestFour(BaseTest):
    def test_four(self):
        print("Test Four")

if __name__ == '__main__':


class TestFive(BaseTest):
    def test_five(self):
        print("Test Five")

if __name__ == '__main__':

its possible to do with unittest copy the answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/64892396/2679740 here它可能与unittesthttps://stackoverflow.com/a/64892396/2679740这里复制答案

you can do it by defining startTestRun , stopTestRun of unittest.TestResult class.您可以通过定义unittest.TestResult类的startTestRunstopTestRun来实现。

by adding following code to my tests/__init__.py i managed to achieve it.通过将以下代码添加到我的tests/__init__.py我设法实现了它。 this code runs only once for all tests(regardless of number of test classes and test files).此代码仅对所有测试运行一次(无论测试类和测试文件的数量如何)。

def startTestRun(self):
    Called once before any tests are executed.


setattr(unittest.TestResult, 'startTestRun', startTestRun)

def stopTestRun(self):
    Called once after all tests are executed.


setattr(unittest.TestResult, 'stopTestRun', stopTestRun)

I don't think unittest has a facility for universal setup and teardown.我认为 unittest 没有通用设置和拆卸工具。 You should look into pytest, its fixtures are more powerful.你应该看看 pytest,它的装置更强大。

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