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[英]Can we add changes to the smart contract once it has been deployed?

I am a newbie and am learning about the blockchain and smart contracts.我是新手,正在学习区块链和智能合约。

So my question is can we add changes(features) to the smart contract code once it has been deployed?所以我的问题是,一旦部署了智能合约代码,我们是否可以向其添加更改(功能)?

and is it possible to create an ERC 20 token that is based on proof of stake?是否可以创建基于权益证明的 ERC 20 代币? Thanks谢谢

No, the very foundation of a blockchain is its immutability, meaning that once a set of data is sent to the blockchain, it can never be modified or changed in any way.不,区块链的基础是它的不变性,这意味着一旦一组数据被发送到区块链,它就永远不能以任何方式修改或更改。 Therefore, once you push a smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain, it cannot be changed or manipulated in any way.因此,一旦您将智能合约推送到以太坊区块链,就无法以任何方式更改或操纵它。

It's not entirely possible due to the fact that an ERC20 token is embedded into Ethereum's blockchain.由于 ERC20 令牌嵌入到以太坊的区块链中,因此这并非完全可能。 So, when miners are mining the Ethereum blockchain, they're essentially mining every ERC20 token as well.因此,当矿工挖掘以太坊区块链时,他们实际上也在挖掘每个 ERC20 代币。

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