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使用 OUTLOOK VBScript 向 C# 发送邮件

[英]Sending mail with OUTLOOK VBScript to C#

I made a script in VBScript to send mails via Outlook that works pretty well.我在 VBScript 中制作了一个脚本来通过 Outlook 发送邮件,效果很好。 The mail's body & subject has 3 different models depending on variables entered in command windows.邮件的正文和主题有 3 种不同的模型,具体取决于在命令窗口中输入的变量。

I have a .bat file and a .vbs file.我有一个.bat文件和一个.vbs文件。 .bat file is made for user front view and variables registry. .bat文件是为用户前视图和变量注册表制作的。 .vbs file is made to send the mail with the variables sent from .bat . .vbs文件用于发送带有从.bat发送的变量的邮件。

My project is to enhance front view with a Windows Form Application built in C#.我的项目是使用 C# 内置的 Windows 窗体应用程序增强前视图。 A simple window with 3 radio buttons, a textbox and a button that will send the mail on_click , with 2 variables.一个带有 3 个单选按钮、一个文本框和一个按钮的简单窗口,该按钮将发送邮件on_click ,带有 2 个变量。 var1 = would be one of the 3 models. var1 = 将是 3 个模型之一。 var2 = a "real life file" number. var2 = 一个“真实文件”编号。

Here is the VBScript code :这是VBScript代码:

Const ForReading = 1

Set args = WScript.Arguments

Dim ToAddress
Dim FromAddress
Dim CcAddress
Dim BccAddress
Dim MessageSubject
Dim MyTime
Dim MessageBody
Dim ol, ns, newMail
MyTime = Now

ToAddress = "ToAddress@somewhere.com"
FromAddress = "FromAddress@somewhere.com"
CcAddress = "CcAddress@somewhere.com"
BccAddress = "BccAddress@somewhere.com"
MessageSubject = args(0)
MessageBody = args(1)
Set ol = WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set ns = ol.getNamespace("MAPI")
Set newMail = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
newMail.Subject = MessageSubject
newMail.Body = MessageBody
newMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = FromAddress
newMail.CC = CcAddress
newMail.BCC = BccAddress

The difference with C# is that one variable is "set" with whichever RadioButton is checked and then, with a if(){} function I choose which model is sent.与 C# 的不同之处在于,无论选中哪个 RadioButton,都会“设置”一个变量,然后使用if(){}函数选择发送哪个模型。 The other variables are set with {metroTextBox1.Text} .其他变量使用{metroTextBox1.Text}设置。

Here's my C# code on SendButton Click Event :这是我在SendButton Click Event 上的 C# 代码:

private void flatCustButton012_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (metroRadioButton1.Checked)
                //HERE WILL GO THE C# CODE to SEND MAIL
                radButtonChecked = true;
                MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, $"Your mail has been sent successfully\nMODEL#1\nFile Nb : {metroTextBox1.Text}", "Mail sent !", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            if (metroRadioButton2.Checked)
                //HERE WILL GO THE C# CODE to SEND MAIL
                radButtonChecked = true;
                MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, $"Your mail has been sent successfully\nMODEL#2\nFile Nb : {metroTextBox1.Text}", "Mail sent !", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            if (metroRadioButton3.Checked)
                //HERE WILL GO THE C# CODE to SEND MAIL
                radButtonChecked = true;
                MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, $"Your mail has been sent successfully\nMODEL#3\nFile Nb : {metroTextBox1.Text}", "Mail sent !", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            metroTextBox1.Text = String.Empty;

I'm not a pro coder but I know some basics and I tried to start to convert.我不是专业编码员,但我知道一些基础知识,因此我尝试开始转换。 I'm now at the point where:我现在处于以下情况:

  • i need to call Outlook Application ,我需要调用Outlook 应用程序

  • set the ol, ns, newMail variables设置ol, ns, newMail变量

  • and send the email并发送电子邮件

Here is where I'm at for now :这是我现在所处的位置:

For case MODEL#1 :对于案例 MODEL#1 :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MetroFramework.Forms;
using MetroFramework.Design;
using MetroFramework.Fonts;

namespace MyApplication
    public partial class Form1 : MetroFramework.Forms.MetroForm
    radButtonChecked = flase;
    //here i declare all my variables ?
    string ToAdress = "ToAdress@something.com"
    string FromAddress = "FromAddress@something.com"
    string CcAddress = "CcAddress@something.com"
    string BccAddress = "BccAddress@something.com"

    //then all my other classes / events
    //public Form1() etc...
    //until i come to my SendButton_Click(event)

private void flatCustButton012_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (metroRadioButton1.Checked)
                    radButtonChecked = true;

                    //HERE IS THE converted CODE location
                    string MessageSubject = $"MODEL#1 Nb : {metroTextBox1.Text}";
                    string MessageBody = $"Please do MODEL#1 Nb : {metroTextBox1.Text}";
                    //REST of the convertion that i have no idea how to :
                    //Call OUTLOOK APPLICATION (=ol)
                    //getNameSpace MAPI ? (=ns)
                    //create mail item (= newMail)
                    //then all the new.Mail.Something = variables previously set with "string"
                    //and finally the newMail.Send
                    //REST OF THE IF :
                    MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, $"Your mail has been sent successfully\nMODEL#1\nFile Nb : {metroTextBox1.Text}", "Mail sent !", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

Ok so here's the result working in case anyone else is wondering how to do :好的,这是结果,以防其他人想知道该怎么做:

My "mistake" was not casting the application properly.我的“错误”没有正确地投射应用程序。

In public partial class :在公共部分类中:

string ToAdress = "ToAdress@something.com";
string FromAddress = "FromAddress@something.com";
string CcAddress = "CcAddress@something.com";
string BccAddress = "BccAddress@something.com";
Outlook.Application application = new Outlook.Application();

Then in your "event trigger"然后在你的“事件触发器”中

Outlook.MailItem newMail = (Outlook.MailItem)application.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);

Right adter this line you just specify newMail.Something, where something = To/From/CC/BCC/Subject/Body etc..在这一行右侧,您只需指定 newMail.Something,其中 something = To/From/CC/BCC/Subject/Body 等。

And end with newMail.Send();并以newMail.Send();结束newMail.Send();

@BugFinder you were right, i just needed more searching and most of all testings. @BugFinder 你是对的,我只需要更多的搜索和最重要的测试。 :p :p

My deep apologies if that's not StackOverflow policy to give answers/responses like this;如果这不是 StackOverflow 政策提供这样的答案/响应,我深表歉意; please, of course, feel free to edit and/or close.当然,请随时编辑和/或关闭。

My goal is to help others.我的目标是帮助别人。 ;) ;)


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