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[英]Stackview calling slots for previous screen

I am implementing stackview in my application. 我在我的应用程序中实现stackview。

SwipeView {
id: swipeView
anchors.fill: parent
currentIndex: showfooter.currentIndex




StackView {
   id: stackView

   initialItem: Pane {
      id: pane

When i am loading some other screen(like SightDescription.qml) from DashboardListView using push method and cliking somewhere on that screen its calling slots for DashboardListView. 当我使用push方法从DashboardListView加载其他屏幕(例如SightDescription.qml)时,在该屏幕上的某个位置单击DashboardListView的调用槽。 DashboardListView Screen controls are getting onclick signal. DashboardListView屏幕控件正在收到onclick信号。 Is there any setting related to stack view that I need to do, I read stackview's documentation but did not find anything to restrict this behavior. 我需要做一些与堆栈视图相关的设置吗,我阅读了stackview的文档,但没有发现任何限制这种行为的方法。

It seems like the Pane is usually intercepting the mouse events, so the lower Item s cannot receive them. 似乎Pane通常是在拦截鼠标事件,因此较低的Item无法接收它们。

When you push the new item on the StackView the Pane becomes visible: false and therefore does not care for input anymore. 当您在StackView上推送新项目时, Panevisible: false ,因此不再需要输入。 If the new Item does not handle the mouse events, they will propagate to the lower Item . 如果新的Item不处理鼠标事件,它们将传播到较低的Item

To prevent that, you have various options: 为防止这种情况,您可以选择以下几种方法:

  1. Make sure that all Item s pushed on the StackView will handle mouse events, eg by making a Pane or a MouseArea the root item. 确保在StackView上推送的所有Item StackView将处理鼠标事件,例如通过将PaneMouseArea为根项目。
  2. Place a MouseArea directly below the StackView that is only enabled when there are Item s on the StackView MouseArea放在StackView正下方,仅当StackView上有Item时才启用
  3. Some more... eg installing EventFilter s in C++ etc but I think 1 and 2 should be suffice and be easy to implement. 还有更多...例如在C ++中安装EventFilter ,但我认为1和2应该足够并且易于实现。

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