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Oracle Python callproc()脚本停止

[英]Oracle Python callproc() Script stops

I have a hughe problem. 我有一个难题。 I created a procedure and stored it in my OracleDB. 我创建了一个过程并将其存储在OracleDB中。 Now I want to execute the procedure, but its not working. 现在,我想执行该过程,但是它不起作用。 There is no Error-Message Occuring, it just stops and dont continue after the first callproc call. 没有错误消息发生,它只是停止并且在第一个callproc调用之后不继续。 Anybody any ideas? 有人有想法吗?

!Autoincrement is enabled for the whole script! !整个脚本启用了自动递增!

import cx_Oracle dsn= cx_Oracle.makedsn("**********,1521,"orcl") db= cx_Oracle.connect('******','*******',dsn) db.autocommit = True cur = db.cursor() cur.callproc("UPDATE_MISSING_VALUES", ['GENDER','***_PRE',1])

The Procedure is found and if I change the parameters, an SQL Error occurs. 找到过程,并且如果我更改参数,则会发生SQL错误。 But if I let it like that, nothing happens. 但是,如果我这样说,什么也不会发生。

If I run that query in SQL-Developer, it works just fine 如果我在SQL-Developer中运行该查询,则可以正常运行

It works now, I have actually now idea why, but the most important thing is that it works. 它现在可以工作,实际上我现在已经知道了为什么,但是最重要的是它可以工作。 Is it possible, that the reason is that I made a 是否有可能是因为我做了一个


Statement in my DB?? 在我的数据库中声明? After that it worked suddenly. 之后,它突然工作了。

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