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[英]Where can I find the definition of the macro __insn_dword_align that occurs in memcmp.c of the glibc source code project?

The implementation of function memcmp in glibc uses the macro DBLALIGN(eg, DBLALIG(a3, a0, srcli)) to compare two unsinged int integer. glibc中函数memcmp的实现使用宏DBLALIGN(例如DBLALIG(a3,a0,srcli))来比较两个不带整数的int整数。 DBLALIGN is delcared as follows. DBLALIGN的内容如下。 However, the definition of __insn_dword_align is not found in glibc source codes. 但是,在glibc源代码中找不到__insn_dword_align的定义。 Where can I find it. 我在哪里可以找到它。 Thank you! 谢谢!

#ifdef __tilegx__
#define DBLALIGN __insn_dblalign
#define REVBYTES __insn_revbytes
#define DBLALIGN __insn_dword_align
#define REVBYTES __insn_bytex

It's a gcc builtin. 这是内置的gcc。 See eg here . 参见例如这里

I cannot find the definition 我找不到定义

You wouldn't find a definition for any builtin. 您将找不到任何内置的定义。 That's what "builtin" means: the compiler recognizes builtin by name and emits required instructions directly to assembly. 这就是“内建”的含义:编译器通过名称识别内建,并直接向汇编发出所需的指令。

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