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带有Python 2.7错误的AWS Lambda

[英]AWS Lambda with Python 2.7 Error

I'm using AWS Lambda to turn on\\off EC2 instances at a specified intervals vai CloudWatch. 我正在使用AWS Lambda以指定的间隔通过CloudWatch打开/关闭EC2实例。 I write AWS Lambda code using Python 2.7 runtime and put the code: 我使用Python 2.7运行时编写AWS Lambda代码,并将代码放入:

import boto3

region = 'xxxxxx'

instances = ['i-xxxxxxxxxx']

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)
    print 'stopped your instances: ' + str(instances)

As the inline code. 作为内联代码。 But I want to test the stopping of EC2 instance by manually trigger the lambda function where I get the following error in the execution log: 但是我想通过手动触发lambda函数来测试EC2实例的停止,在执行日志中我收到以下错误:

  "errorMessage": "Handler 'handler' missing on module 'index'"

Anyone help would be appreciated. 任何人的帮助将不胜感激。

You need to rename lambda_handler to handler in your python script. 您需要将lambda_handler重命名为python脚本中的handler OR tell Lambda to look for the handler of lambda_handler instead of the default handler . 或者告诉Lambda查找lambda_handler的处理程序,而不是默认handler It is trying to execute a handler that does exist in your script and that's why it's erroring. 它正在尝试执行脚本中确实存在的处理程序,这就是为什么会出错。

Also, you should add a return to the bottom of your function. 另外,您应该在函数底部添加一个return

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