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[英]Simplifying complex excel formula with VBA

I have a macro that is generally slow due to overuse of LOOKUP formulas.由于过度使用 LOOKUP 公式,我有一个通常很慢的宏。 I want to insert some VBA variables to speed these up.我想插入一些 VBA 变量来加速这些。 I am currently working on speeding up the formula below:in Excel:我目前正在加速以下公式:在 Excel 中:


in VBA:在 VBA 中:


The portion I need to replace is LOOKUP(2,1/(C[-1]<>""""),C[-1]) .我需要替换的部分是LOOKUP(2,1/(C[-1]<>""""),C[-1]) All this does is reference the last non empty cell in column I. Right now I have the following code to return the address of the last cell in VBA所有这些都是引用 I 列中的最后一个非空单元格。现在我有以下代码来返回 VBA 中最后一个单元格的地址

Sub FormulaTest()
Set lRow = Range("I1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Address

End Sub

I am trying to figure out how to implement this "lRow" into the VBA code for the formula.我想弄清楚如何将这个“lRow”实现到公式的 VBA 代码中。 Can anyone steer me in the right direction?任何人都可以引导我朝着正确的方向前进吗?

**EDIT 1 Please see Fernando's comment below. **编辑 1 请参阅下面费尔南多的评论。 He has the right idea however the solution is still off a bit.他的想法是正确的,但解决方案仍然有点偏离。 Ill try to explain it better in a few comments: First off, The first row is always a title row, the last row is always a sum row, the current tab is the "Sales" tab, and the amount of rows in any given Sales tab will vary (could be I1:I59, could be I:1:I323).我会尝试在一些评论中更好地解释它:首先,第一行始终是标题行,最后一行始终是总和行,当前选项卡是“销售”选项卡,以及任何给定的行数销售标签会有所不同(可能是 I1:I59,也可能是 I:1:I323)。

In this example I1 is a row title and I59 is the sum of I2:I58.在本例中,I1 是行标题,I59 是 I2:I58 的总和。 Rows I2:I58 are dollar amounts.行 I2:I58 是美元金额。 My macro places this formula in J2:J58.我的宏将这个公式放在 J2:J58 中。 This formula takes each row's dollar amount (I2:I58) as a percentage of the total (I59) and multiplies it by an input amount on the Summary tab (the VLOOKUP).此公式将每一行的美元金额 (I2:I58) 作为总金额 (I59) 的百分比,并将其乘以“摘要”选项卡 (VLOOKUP) 上的输入金额。 This amount is then subtracted proportionately from the dollar value in column I with the J cell showing the result.然后从 I 列中的美元价值中按比例减去该金额,J 单元格显示结果。

I am looking to eliminate the need for the LOOKUP function (selects last non empty cell) within my formula above: LOOKUP(2,1/(C[-1]<>""""),C[-1]).我希望在上面的公式中消除对 LOOKUP 函数(选择最后一个非空单元格)的需要:LOOKUP(2,1/(C[-1]<>""""),C[-1])。

**EDIT 2 Fernando's solution worked. **EDIT 2 Fernando 的解决方案有效。 Thank you all for your input谢谢大家的意见

This would return the last non-empty row in column I这将返回 I 列中的最后一个非空行

with Worksheets("Summary")
lRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row
end with

So your code would be所以你的代码将是

sub testy
dim lRow as long
with Worksheets("Summary")
lRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row
end with


In your solution you're using xlCellTypeLastCell .在您的解决方案中,您使用的是xlCellTypeLastCell This is very useful, but it calculates based on UsedRange , which may not be what you want.这非常有用,但它是根据UsedRange计算的,这可能不是您想要的。 with this, if you have data up to row n and then you update the data and now you have less records, the last row with xlCellTypeLastCell will still be n , so be careful with that.有了这个,如果你有第n行的数据,然后你更新数据,现在你的记录减少了,最后一行xlCellTypeLastCell仍然是n ,所以要小心。

Assuming that you are doing all your work on the active sheet, looking up to a "Summary" sheet:假设您正在活动工作表上完成所有工作,查找“摘要”工作表:

Sub fillCol()

    Dim aRow As Long, bRow As Long

    aRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row
    bRow = Sheets("Summary").Cells(Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row

    Range("J2:J" & aRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(ISNA(MATCH(RC[-9],Summary!C[-8],0)),""n"",RC[-1]-" _
                       & "((RC[-1]/" & aRow & ")*VLOOKUP(RC[-9],Summary!R10C7:R" & bRow & "C8,2,FALSE)))"

End Sub

You made need to change the columns which contain the contiguous range (in order to determine the last row)您需要更改包含连续范围的列(以确定最后一行)

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