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Haskell 中的 Eta 减少

[英]Eta reduction in haskell

I tried for a long time to reduct this function in haskell, I want to express for example:我试了很久在haskell中减少这个功能,我想表达例如:

mySum x y = x + y
mySum x y = (+) x y
mySum x = (+) x
mySum = (+) -- it's Messi's goal! 

My function it a little more complex, but I really can't do it, I was looking out here and there, and I know there are some techniques, like modify the right side, and use flip .我的功能有点复杂,但我真的做不到,我四处寻找,我知道有一些技巧,比如修改右侧,并使用flip I tried and I got stuck here:我试过了,我被困在这里:

zipWith' :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith' f x y  = map  (uncurry f) (zip x y) 


zipWith' f x y  = map  (uncurry f) (zip x y) 
zipWith' f x y  = flip  map  (zip x y) (uncurry f)
zipWith' f x y  = flip  map  (zip x y) $ uncurry f

and then I don't know how to continue...然后就不知道怎么继续了……

I'm looking for an answer that could explain step by step how to achieve the "Messi's goal", I know is a lot to ask, so I will add as soon as I can a bounty to thank the effort我正在寻找一个可以逐步解释如何实现“梅西的目标”的答案,我知道有很多问题要问,所以我会尽快添加赏金以感谢他们的努力

zipWith' f x y = map (uncurry f) (zip x y)

Rewrite application to composition and eta-reduce:将应用程序重写为组合和 eta-reduce:

-- \y -> let g = map (uncurry f); h = zip x in (g . h) y
-- let g = map (uncurry f); h = zip x in g . h

zipWith' f x = map (uncurry f) . zip x

Rewrite infix to prefix:将中缀重写为前缀:

-- g . h = (.) g h

zipWith' f x = (.) (map (uncurry f)) (zip x)

Rewrite application to composition and eta-reduce:将应用程序重写为组合和 eta-reduce:

-- \x -> let g = (.) (map (uncurry f)); h = zip in (g . h) x
-- let g = (.) (map (uncurry f)); h = zip in g . h

zipWith' f = (.) (map (uncurry f)) . zip

Rewrite infix to prefix:将中缀重写为前缀:

-- g . h = (.) g h

zipWith' f = (.) ((.) (map (uncurry f))) zip

Use flip to move f to the right-hand side:使用flipf移到右侧:

-- flip f x y = f y x

zipWith' f = flip (.) zip ((.) (map (uncurry f)))

Rewrite application to composition:将应用程序重写为组合:

-- g (h (i x)) = (g . h . i) x

zipWith' f = flip (.) zip (((.) . map . uncurry) f)

Rewrite application to composition and eta-reduce:将应用程序重写为组合和 eta-reduce:

-- \f -> let g = flip (.) zip; h = (.) . map . uncurry in (g . h) f
-- let g = flip (.) zip; h = (.) . map . uncurry in g . h

zipWith' = (flip (.) zip) . ((.) . map . uncurry)

Remove redundant parentheses:去掉多余的括号:

zipWith' = flip (.) zip . (.) . map . uncurry

And simplify to infix if you like:如果您愿意,可以简化为中缀:

zipWith' = (. zip) . (.) . map . uncurry

This result isn't very readable, though.但是,这个结果不是很可读。

Often when writing fully point-free code, you want to take advantage of the -> applicative and arrow combinators from Control.Arrow .通常在编写完全无点代码时,您希望利用Control.Arrow中的-> applicative 和箭头组合器。 Rather than trying to write a function like \\ fxy -> ... , you can start by grouping the arguments into tuples to make them easier to rearrange and pipe around.与其尝试编写像\\ fxy -> ...这样的函数,不如\\ fxy -> ...参数分组到元组中,使它们更容易重新排列和传递。 In this case I'll use \\ (f, (x, y)) -> ...在这种情况下,我将使用\\ (f, (x, y)) -> ...

\ (f, (x, y)) -> map (uncurry f) (zip x y)

We can eliminate the unpacking of (x, y) by applying uncurry to zip :我们可以通过将uncurry应用于zip来消除(x, y)的解包:

\ (f, (x, y)) -> map (uncurry f) (uncurry zip (x, y))
\ (f, xy) -> map (uncurry f) (uncurry zip xy)

Now we have a simple case: applying two functions ( uncurry and uncurry zip ) to two arguments ( f and xy ), then combining the results (with map ).现在我们有一个简单的案例:将两个函数( uncurryuncurry zip )应用于两个参数( fxy ),然后组合结果(使用map )。 For this we can use the *** combinator from Control.Arrow , of type:为此,我们可以使用Control.Arrow***组合器,类型为:

(***) :: Arrow a => a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b, b') (c, c')

Specialised to functions, that's:专门用于功能,即:

(***) @(->) :: (b -> c) -> (b' -> c') -> (b, b') -> (c, c')

This just lets us apply a function to each element of a pair.这只是让我们将一个函数应用于一对中的每个元素。 Perfect!完美的!

uncurry *** uncurry zip
  :: (a -> b -> c, ([x], [y])) -> ((a, b) -> c, [(x, y)])

You can think of uncurry f as combining the elements of a pair using the function f .您可以将uncurry f视为使用函数f组合一对元素。 So here we can combine the results using uncurry map :所以在这里我们可以使用uncurry map组合结果:

uncurry map . (uncurry *** uncurry zip)
  :: (a -> b -> c, ([a], [b])) -> [c]

And you can think of curry as turning a function on tuples into a multi-argument function.您可以将curry视为将元组上的函数转换为多参数函数。 Here we have two levels of tuples, the outer (f, xy) and the inner (x, y) .这里我们有两层元组,外层(f, xy)和内层(x, y) We can unpack the outer one with curry :我们可以用curry打开外面的:

curry $ uncurry map . (uncurry *** uncurry zip)
  :: (a -> b -> c) -> ([a], [b]) -> [c]

Now, you can think of fmap f in the -> applicative as “skipping over” the first argument:现在,您可以将-> applicative 中的fmap f视为“跳过”第一个参数:

fmap @((->) _) :: (a -> b) -> (t -> a) -> t -> b

So we can unpack the second tuple using fmap curry :所以我们可以使用fmap curry解压第二个元组:

fmap curry $ curry $ uncurry map . (uncurry *** uncurry zip)
  :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]

And we're done!我们完成了! Or not quite.或者不完全。 When writing point-free code, it pays to break things out into many small reusable functions with clearer names, for example:在编写无点代码时,将事情分解成许多具有更清晰名称的小型可重用函数是值得的,例如:

zipWith' = untuple2 $ combineWith map apply zipped
    untuple2 = fmap curry . curry
    combineWith f g h = uncurry f . (g *** h)
    apply = uncurry
    zipped = uncurry zip

However, while knowing these techniques is useful, all this is just unproductive trickery that's easy to get lost in. Most of the time, you should only use point-free style in Haskell when it's a clear win for readability, and neither of these results is clearer than the simple original version:然而,虽然知道这些技术是有用的,但所有这些都只是容易迷失的徒劳技巧。 大多数时候,你应该只在 Haskell 中使用无点风格,当它明显赢得可读性时,这些结果都没有比简单的原始版本更清晰:

zipWith' f x y = map (uncurry f) (zip x y)

Or a partially point-free version:或者部分免积分版本:

zipWith' f = map (uncurry f) .: zip
  where (.:) = (.) . (.)

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