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[英]Batch script to read and extract details from a text file

I need to copy a few files and folders to their respective destinations using a Windows batch script. 我需要使用Windows批处理脚本将一些文件和文件夹复制到它们各自的目标位置。

All the files and folders I am supposed to copy, are kept within a folder, SOURCE . 我应该复制的所有文件和文件夹都保存在一个文件夹SOURCE

Example : 范例

  • folder: C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\A 文件夹: C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\A
  • file : C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\A.txt 文件: C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\A.txt
  • file : C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\B.txt 文件: C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\B.txt
  • folder: C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\ZZZ 文件夹: C:\\X\\Y\\Z\\SOURCE\\ZZZ

The destination paths of all the above are provided as text file contents, destination.txt . 以上所有内容的目标路径均作为文本文件内容destination.txt

Content of destination.txt : destination.txt的内容


Where three dots at the end signifies a directory, otherwise it's a file. 末尾的三个点表示目录,否则为文件。

What I need to do in the above scenario is: 在上述情况下,我需要做的是:

  • Copy folder A from SOURCE to C:\\FinalDestination\\D\\ 将文件夹ASOURCE复制到C:\\FinalDestination\\D\\
  • Copy file A.txt from SOURCE to C:\\FinalDestination\\N\\ 将文件A.txtSOURCE复制到C:\\FinalDestination\\N\\
  • Copy file B.txt from SOURCE to C:\\FinalDestination\\C\\ 将文件B.txtSOURCE复制到C:\\FinalDestination\\C\\
  • Copy folder ZZZ from SOURCE to C:\\FinalDestination\\U\\ 将文件夹ZZZSOURCE复制到C:\\FinalDestination\\U\\

I don't know how to do it as I am pretty new to Windows command line. 我不知道该怎么做,因为我是Windows命令行的新手。

I know XCopy is a command which can work for me, xcopy source destination , but I don't know how to extract the source and destination details. 我知道XCopy是一个对我XCopy的命令, xcopy source destination ,但是我不知道如何提取源和目标详细信息。

Using an unchanged destination.txt and your supplied data, the following may help: 使用不变的destination.txt和您提供的数据,以下操作可能会有所帮助:

@Echo Off

Set "sD=C:\X\Y\Z\SOURCE"
Set "sF=destination.txt"

For /F "UseBackQ Delims=" %%A In ("%sF%"
) Do For %%B In ("%%~fA.") Do echo=XCopy/IY "%sD%\%%~nxB" "%%~dpA." 2>Nul

You need only modify the content of the variables at lines 3 and 4 您只需要在第3行和第4行修改变量的内容

Note : 注意事项

I have currently made it so that nothing is copied, just the commands output to your screen. 我目前已经做到了,这样就不会复制任何内容,只是将命令输出到您的屏幕。 If you are happy with the output remove echo= from line 7 and delete the content of line, 8 如果您对输出满意,请从第7行删除echo=并删除第8行的内容

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