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[英]How to add a id for many stock to be insert to database sql

I have a dynamic add form field function to add many stock in 1 order to database. 我有一个动态的添加表单字段功能,可以按1个顺序向数据库添加许多股票。

However I was unable to insert the same order_id for the order that contain many stock. 但是,我无法为包含很多库存的订单插入相同的order_id。 I need to use the order_id to print back the order detail 我需要使用order_id打印回订单详细信息

| order_id | order_item_id | item_name | item_quantity |

| item_id | item_name | item_descript | item_quantity |


 $number = count($_POST["item_name"]); 
 $order_id = uniqid();

 if($number > 0)  
  for($i=0; $i<$number; $i++)  
       if($item_name[$i]!="" && $item_quantity[$i]!="")  
            $sql = "INSERT INTO ordertable(order_id,item_name,item_quantity) 
            mysqli_query($conn, $sql);  


Your schema needs some changes. 您的架构需要一些更改。 stocktable contains a list of stock items. stocktable包含库存项目列表。 ordertable should contain a list of orders, and you are missing a orderdetailtable which contains each of the stock items for a given order. ordertable 应该包含一个订单列表,而您缺少一个orderdetailtable ,其中包含给定订单的每个库存项目。

The problem is that in your schema, you have the order table, with the primary key of order_id and you are expecting to put all the order line-items in with the same order_id ... This isn't going to work. 问题在于,在您的模式中,您具有订单表,该表具有order_id的主键,并且您希望将所有订单行项目都放入相同的order_id ……这将行不通。

Create a new table to hold the order line-items, and have the order table with the order-specific information, such as customer, date, etc. The order detail table can be seen as a link table between orders and stock items. 创建一个新表来保存订单行项目,并使订单表包含特定于订单的信息,例如客户,日期等。订单明细表可以看作是订单和库存项目之间的链接表。

| order_id | order_date | ...

| order_detail_id | order_id | stock_id | order_quantity | 

| stock_id | item_name | item_descript | item_quantity |

UPDATE The code above will need to change as well, to cater for the new database structure. 更新上面的代码也将需要更改,以适应新的数据库结构。

if($number > 0)  
    $sql = "INSERT INTO ordertable(order_id, ...) VALUES('$order_id', ...";  
    mysqli_query($conn, $sql);  

    for($i=0; $i<$number; $i++)  
        $order_detail_id = uniqid();
        if($item_name[$i]!="" && $item_quantity[$i]!="")  
            $sql = "INSERT INTO orderdetailtable(order_detail_id,order_id,stock_id,item_quantity) 
            mysqli_query($conn, $sql);  

The problem is that you are using uniqid() , which is not appropriate for a table id for several reasons, but the relevant one to your problem is that it will return not an integer but an alphanumeric string like this: 问题是您使用的uniqid()出于多种原因不适用于表id,但是与您的问题相关的一个问题是它将返回的不是整数,而是一个字母数字字符串,如下所示:


When you try to use that value as the order_id MySQL try to convert it to number stopping at the first non numeric character, so you always get "59". 当您尝试将该值用作order_id MySQL会尝试将其转换为以第一个非数字字符停止的数字,因此您始终会得到“ 59”。

The simplest methods for fixing this is define the order_id column with AUTO_INCREMENT , in this way MySQL will generate automatically an unique identity for new rows. 解决此问题的最简单方法是使用AUTO_INCREMENT定义order_id列,这样MySQL将自动为新行生成唯一标识。 If you need to get that id for later use you can get it using mysqli_insert_id() . 如果您需要获取该ID以便以后使用,则可以使用mysqli_insert_id()获得它。

Note that when inserting in tables with auto incremented id you skip the id column from the column list, in your case you will use: 请注意,当插入具有自动递增ID的表时,请从列列表中跳过ID列,在这种情况下,您将使用:

INSERT INTO ordertable (item_name,item_quantity)

As a final note, you code is vulnerable to SQL injection , you should use mysqli_prepare() and mysqli_stmt_bind_param() . 最后一点, 您的代码容易受到SQL注入的攻击 ,应使用mysqli_prepare()mysqli_stmt_bind_param()

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