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django 模型和管理员中的日期范围

[英]Range of dates in a django model and admin

I would like to register a range of dates in the model and have in admin a widget similar to this?我想在模型中注册一系列日期并在管理中有一个类似于此的小部件? 在此处输入图片说明

It's possible to use DateTimeField or calendar?可以使用 DateTimeField 或日历吗?

Widgets are part of the ModelForm not the model.小部件是 ModelForm 的一部分,而不是模型。 You could add a range of dates in the Meta class widget definition like this:您可以在 Meta 类小部件定义中添加一系列日期,如下所示:

class Meta:
    model = YourModel
    fields = '__all__'
    widgets = {
                'birthdate': SelectDateWidget(attrs = {
                 },years = range(1920, 2017),),

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