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swift无法将类型(_,_)-> _的值转换为预期的参数类型'((_,CGFloat))-> _

[英]swift cannot convert value of type (_, _) -> _ to expected argument type '((_, CGFloat)) -> _

I am using a library URLEmbeddedView 我正在使用库URLEmbeddedView

It defines following code in its library: 它在其库中定义以下代码:

func addConstraints(with view: UIView, center: CGPoint, multiplier: CGFloat = 1) {
    view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            (.centerX, center.x),
            (.centerY, center.y)
        .flatMap {
            .init(item: view,
                  attribute: $0,
                  relatedBy: .equal,
                  toItem: self,
                  attribute: $0,
                  multiplier: multiplier,
                  constant: $1)

We are generating preview of link through the Library but following error is occurring : 我们正在通过库生成链接的预览,但是发生以下错误:

cannot convert value of type (_, _) -> _ to expected argument type '((_, CGFloat)) -> _" at .flapMap line. 无法在.flapMap行将(_,_)-> _类型的值转换为期望的参数类型'((_,CGFloat))-> _“。

I am familiar with Objective-C but not with Swift . 我熟悉Objective-C但不熟悉Swift What will be the issue in the code? 代码中的问题是什么?


Wrong addConstraints() is being called. 错误的addConstraints()被调用。

You're calling viewController.addConstraints() when it appears you want to call view.addConstraints() 您要在调用viewController.addConstraints()时要调用view.addConstraints()

Change the second addConstraints() to view.addConstraints() 将第二个addConstraints()更改为view.addConstraints()

It was also necessary to use Xcode version above 8.1. 还必须使用8.1以上的Xcode版本。

I have used the same code as yours. 我使用了与您相同的代码。 Just applied the constraints to view and it works perfectly. 只需将约束应用于view正常运行。

        (.centerX, center.x),
        (.centerY, center.y)
        ].flatMap {
            .init(item: view, attribute: $0, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self, attribute: $0, multiplier: multiplier, constant: $1)

There is no issue in the flatMap syntax. flatMap语法没有问题。 I have executed the code on Xcode-9 as well as Xcode-8 and it doesn't give me any error. 我已经在Xcode-9Xcode-8上执行了代码,但没有给我任何错误。

Just used the same code that I have written above and see if it compiles correctly. 只是使用了我上面编写的相同代码,然后看它是否可以正确编译。


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