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如何从代码背后使用WPF XAML中的属性

[英]How to use property in WPF XAML from codebehind

I just want to get my variable from the xaml.cs to use it into my xaml: Here my xaml.cs: 我只想从xaml.cs中获取变量,以将其用于我的xaml中:这是我的xaml.cs:

using System;
using System.Globalization;

namespace Calendar
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        private static CultureInfo french = 

        private static string nowStr =

        public static string NowStr { get => nowStr; set => nowStr = value; }
        public static CultureInfo French { get => french; set => french = value; }
        public MainWindow()


And here my xaml: 这是我的xaml:

<Window x:Class="Calendar.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <Grid RenderTransformOrigin="0.425,0.522">
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=MainWindow.nowStr}"></TextBlock>

So, I want to get my "nowStr" to display it in my MainWindow, but I don't really understand how it works, here I am using the binding but nothing happen, I used the local: and still nothing. 因此,我想让我的“ nowStr”在我的MainWindow中显示它,但是我不太了解它是如何工作的,在这里我使用绑定,但是什么也没有发生,我在使用local:仍然没有。 I am a little confused because I search answers in stack but I tryed the responses and nothing worked. 我有些困惑,因为我在堆栈中搜索答案,但是尝试了响应,但没有任何效果。 If you can explain me how I can get my nowStr to my xaml it will be graceful. 如果您能向我解释如何将nowStr转换为我的xaml,那将是很优雅的。

In the constructor of you .cs file add DataContext = this; 在您的.cs文件的构造函数中,添加DataContext = this; Now in your TextBlock use Text="{Binding NowStr}" 现在在您的TextBlock中使用Text="{Binding NowStr}"

And implement INotifyPropertyChanged on your MainWindow class and in the setter of your property cal notify 并在MainWindow类和属性setter中实现INotifyPropertyChanged

And why are you creating static properties? 以及为什么要创建静态属性?

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