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[英]can not make move the object in java

I am trying to write simple code in java for a moving ball program. 我试图用java为移动的球程序编写简单的代码。 im new to java, i mean I know the basics one so here it is my code, in case you can help me.I cant move the ball object. 我是Java的新手,我的意思是我了解基础知识,因此这里是我的代码,以防万一您可以帮助我。我无法移动球形物体。 I created the class frame which have the gui component and also the ball class with the features of he ball 我创建了包含gui组件的类框架以及具有he ball功能的ball类

    public class Frame extends JFrame{

        private static final int width= 500;
        private static final int height=500;
        private static final Color cbw= Color.BLACK;
        private Ball ball; // the moving object
        private DrawCanvas canvas; // the custom drawing canvas

       private JPanel btnpanel; // the panel of the buttons

       private JPanel mainpanel; // the mainpanel
       private JButton button_ML; // move_Left button
       private JButton button_MR;// move_Right button

       public Frame (){


       private void setProperties() {
            setSize(width, height);
            setTitle("MOVE THE BALL");

        private void init(){

           btnpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
           mainpanel= new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
           button_ML = new JButton("Move left");
           button_MR = new JButton("Move right");

           //creating the ball with its features
           ball= new Ball (30,30,width/2-2,height/2-10,Color.red);

           canvas = new DrawCanvas();
           // it makes possible the ball to be seen though we have a main panel.
           canvas.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width,height));

           button_ML.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {


           button_MR.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {



       private void setUI(){

               mainpanel.add(btnpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);// adds the button panels to the main panel

               btnpanel.add(button_ML);// adds the button to the panel of buttons
              mainpanel.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); // adds the canvas to mainpanel
               add(mainpanel);  // adds the panel in the frame


           class DrawCanvas extends JPanel {
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
             setBackground(cbw); // puts color to the background
             ball.paint(g);  // the ball paints itself


       private void move_Left(){

           int savedX = ball.x;
          ball.x -=10;
           canvas.repaint(savedX, ball.y, ball.WIDTH, ball.HEIGHT); 

       private void move_Right(){

           int savedX = ball.x;
         ball.x += 10;
          canvas.repaint(savedX, ball.y, ball.WIDTH, ball.HEIGHT); 

// the ball class //球类

    public class Ball extends JFrame {

        //variables for the construction of the circle
       int x, y; // actual position of the ball
       int WIDTH, HEIGHT;// parameters for the size of the rectangle where the circle is posited. 
       Color color = Color.RED;// the color of the ball

       // the constructor of the class
        public Ball(int x, int y, int WIDTH, int HEIGHT,Color color) {
            this.x = x;// 
            this.y = y;
            this.WIDTH = WIDTH;
            this.HEIGHT = HEIGHT;

        // method for the color and drawing the ball
       public void paint(Graphics g) {
          g.fillOval(80,70, 350,350);

Start by using the values of Ball in it paint methods instead of : 首先使用其中的Ball paint方法的值代替:

// method for the color and drawing the ball
public void paint(Graphics g) {
     g.fillOval(80,70, 350,350);

It should look like 它看起来像

// method for the color and drawing the ball
public void paint(Graphics g) {
      g.fillOval(x,y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

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