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[英]In modeling context: How to call a method that placed outside class


For example if method A return either 0 or 1 . 例如,如果方法A返回0或1。

If method A returns 1 then it should call method B. 如果方法A返回1,则应调用方法B。

How to visualize this in Class Diagram ? 如何在类图中可视化?

class diagrams are static diagrams, you can not show the behavior in a class diagram. 类图是静态图,您不能在类图中显示其行为。 You have to do a sequence or activity diagram. 您必须做一个序列图或活动图。

see sparx tutorial or eclipse tutorial For your case, an opt combined fragment should do the job. 请参见sparx教程eclipse教程

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