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在Angular 4中更改NgbDatepicker的大小

[英]Change size of NgbDatepicker in Angular 4

For some reason unknown to me, my NgbDatePicker is much smaller than I want it to be. 由于某些我不知道的原因,我的NgbDatePicker比我想要的要小得多。 It currently displays at the following size: 它目前显示为以下大小:


...when I was expecting it to display at the size in the example found here ...当我希望它显示在这里找到的示例中的大小时

One weird thing that I noticed is that the following portion of the datepicker in my application has the attribute _ngcontent-c0 set on its div: 我注意到一个奇怪的事情是我的应用程序中的_ngcontent-c0的以下部分在其div上设置了属性_ngcontent-c0


...meanwhile the exact same portion of the example found on the website has the attribute _ngcontent-c4 set on its div. ...同时在网站上找到的示例的完全相同部分在其div上设置了属性_ngcontent-c4 This means that their divs aren't even the same. 这意味着他们的div甚至不一样。 This same attribute is also used in several css selectors. 同样的属性也用在几个css选择器中。

This is the code in which I make the datepicker appear. 这是我在其中显示日期选择器的代码。 I make it appear when an input field is clicked: 单击输入字段时显示:

<form class="form-inline">
  <div class="form-group">
    <div class="input-group">
      <input readonly class="form-control rounded" (click)="d.toggle()" (clickOutside)="onDocumentClick($event, d)" (ngModelChange)="onModelChanged($event)" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd"
             name="dp" [(ngModel)]="model" ngbDatepicker #d="ngbDatepicker">
      <svg><use xlink:href="sprite.svg#calendar"></use></svg>

This is the ngOnInit() code of the component that configures the DatePicker: 这是配置DatePicker的组件的ngOnInit()代码:

    ngOnInit(): void {
    let today = new Date();
    let todayInDateStruct = {day: today.getUTCDate(), month: today.getUTCMonth() + 1, year: today.getUTCFullYear()};
    this.config.maxDate = this.maxDate || todayInDateStruct;
    this.config.minDate = this.minDate || {year: 1900, month: 1, day: 1};

    if (this.minDate$) {
        Rx.on(this, this.minDate$, (minDate: NgbDateStruct) => {
            if (minDate) {
                this.config.minDate = minDate;

     The following line sets the first day of the week on the Calendar to Sunday instead of the default Monday.

     source: https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/datepicker/api
    this.config.firstDayOfWeek = 7;

Is there any way of increasing the size of the NgbDatepicker without overriding several NgbDatepicker styles? 有没有办法增加NgbDatepicker的大小而不重写几个NgbDatepicker样式?

I think u can use this. 我想你可以用这个。 create a custom template, for example: 创建自定义模板,例如:

 <ng-template #tpl let-date="date" let-currentMonth="currentMonth" let-selected="selected"> <div class="day">{{ date.day }} </div> </ng-template> 

then set the dayTemplate property: [dayTemplate]="tpl" 然后设置dayTemplate属性: [dayTemplate]="tpl"

and CSS: 和CSS:

 .day { text-align: center; padding: 7px; border-radius: 1rem; width: 100% !important; } .ngb-dp-day{ width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; } .ngb-dp-weekday{ width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; } 

the padding is distance between day and day. 填充是白天和白天之间的距离。 because the default css for dayview and weekday is "width: 2rem, height: 2rem" so you need to modify it by add "!important". 因为dayview和weekday的默认css是“width:2rem,height:2rem”,所以你需要通过添加“!important”来修改它。

add " encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None " into your component 将“ encapsulation:ViewEncapsulation.None ”添加到组件中

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