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如何在 JetBrains DataGrip 中创建视图?

[英]How do I create a view in JetBrains DataGrip?

I am using an Azure SQL database with DataGrip.我正在使用带有 DataGrip 的 Azure SQL 数据库。 I would like to create a view connecting certain tables within my database.我想创建一个连接数据库中某些表的视图。

Does DataGrip have a tool for doing this? DataGrip 有执行此操作的工具吗? If so, how can I do it?如果是这样,我该怎么做?

It's relatively easy in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.在 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 中相对容易。 I would right click the Views folder and select 'New View...'我会右键单击“视图”文件夹并选择“新视图...”

UPD: in the late version there is a UI for creating a view: UPD:在最新版本中,有一个用于创建视图的 UI:


Views can be also created via raw SQL.视图也可以通过原始 SQL 创建。 In DataGrip you can generate it automatically via Generate action (Alt+Ins, Cmd+N for OSX) where several objects for generation are available.在 DataGrip 中,您可以通过Generate操作(Alt+Ins,Cmd+N 用于 OSX)自动生成它,其中有多个可用于生成的对象。



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