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[英]ant build failes on Jenkins

When I start the Jenkins build, on arriving on ant-build-step the build is canceled immediately with the following stack: 当我开始Jenkins构建时,在到达ant-build-step时,将立即使用以下堆栈取消构建:

[PROJECT] $ cmd.exe /C "D:\jenkins\tools\hudson.tasks.Ant_AntInstallation\Ant\bin\ant.bat -file build-jenkins.xml -Djenkins.result.dir=${JENKINS.WORKSPACES}/Results "-Dbranch=*/develop" -Djenkins.result.dir=C:/Tools/Jenkins/Results -Djenkins.workspace.dir=C:\Tools\Jenkins\Project-SNAPSHOT\workspace/PRO_56/PRO/java/Project -Dproject.path=C:\Tools\Jenkins\Project-SNAPSHOT\workspace clean.compile.jar.server.snapshot -v && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%"
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
           (to execute a class)
   or  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
           (to execute a jar file)
where options include:
See http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index.html for more details.
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE

I get no debug messages, nothing. 我没有收到调试消息,什么也没有。 I've got other project with a similar/equal config which work. 我有其他项目具有类似/相等的配置可以正常工作。 I think it could be a incompatibility of my plugins. 我认为这可能是我的插件不兼容的原因。

Has anyone experienced this bug before? 有没有人经历过这个错误?

In my case the problem was a big M in the java options of the ant-build-step. 在我的情况下,问题是ant-build-step的java选项中的大M。 Here no m for Megabit und M für Megabyte. 这里没有m代表兆位UND 中号献给兆字节。

-Xmx1024M -Xms1024m

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