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转置Pandas DataFrame并将列标题更改为列表

[英]Transpose Pandas DataFrame and change the column headers to a list

I have the following Pandas sub-dataframe 我有以下Pandas子数据帧

         col1  name1  name2
522      a     10     0.2
1021     b     72    -0.1

col1 has no duplicate. col1没有重复。 I want to transpose the dataframe and change the column header to col1 values. 我想转置数据帧并将列标题更改为col1值。 Ideally the output should look like 理想情况下,输出应该是这样的

Variable  a     b
name1     10    72
name2     0.2  -0.1

it is easy to transpose the df and lable the first column as Variable 很容易转换df并将第一列标记为Variable


the resulted DF will have indices of original DF as column headers (and they are not sorted and dont start from 1 in my data!) How can I change the rest of column names? 结果DF将原始DF的索引作为列标题(并且它们没有排序,并且不从我的数据中的1开始!)如何更改列名的其余部分?

Need set_index + T : 需要set_index + T

df = df.set_index('col1').T
print (df)
col1      a     b
name1  10.0  72.0
name2   0.2  -0.1

df = df.set_index('col1').T.rename_axis('Variable').rename_axis(None, 1)
print (df)
             a     b
name1     10.0  72.0
name2      0.2  -0.1

If need column from index: 如果需要来自索引的列:

df = df.set_index('col1').T.rename_axis('Variable').rename_axis(None, 1).reset_index()
print (df)
  Variable     a     b
0    name1  10.0  72.0
1    name2   0.2  -0.1

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