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Rails 5.1.4-如何通过具有has_many:through关系的多选创建记录?

[英]Rails 5.1.4 - How do I create records from multi-select with a has_many :through relationship?

I got some problems with saving records from a has_many :through association. 我从has_many :through关联保存记录时遇到了一些问题。 I must have missed something important. 我一定错过了重要的事情。

First things first: 第一件事:

  • Rails version: 5.1.4 Rails版本:5.1.4
  • Ruby version: 2.4.2 Ruby版本:2.4.2

I got these three models: 我得到了以下三种模型:

class Event < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :events_timeslots
  has_many :timeslots, through: :events_timeslots

class Timeslot < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :events_timeslots
  has_many :events, through: :events_timeslots

class EventsTimeslot < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :event
  belongs_to :timeslot

According to this, every event has many timeslots and every timeslot has many events. 据此,每个事件具有许多时隙,并且每个时隙具有许多事件。

I want a multi select in my view: 我想在视图中进行多重选择:

<%= form_with(model: event, local: true) do |form| %>
  <% fields_for :events_timeslots do |events_timeslots| %>
    <%= events_timeslots.label :timeslots %>
    <%= events_timeslots.select(:timeslots, @timeslots.collect {|t| [t.name, t.id]}, {}, {multiple: true}) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Is this the right approach to select multiple timeslots while creating a new event? 这是在创建新事件时选择多个时隙的正确方法吗? The timeslots already exist at this time but when the event gets saved, it should also create the associated records in the events_timeslots table. 此时该时隙已经存在,但是当保存事件时,它还应该在events_timeslots表中创建关联的记录。

I also permit the timeslots attribute in strong parameters: 我还允许在强参数中使用timeslots属性:

params.require(:event).permit(:date, timeslots: [])

Is there a magic Rails-Way to use the "scaffolded" controller actions to create the new event as well as the associated records in EventsTimeslot model? 是否有一个神奇的Rails-Way使用“脚手架”控制器操作来创建新事件以及EventsTimeslot模型中的关联记录? Related to this question I found an answer on another question , however I wasn't able to get it to work! 与此问题相关,我找到了另一个问题的答案 ,但是我无法使其正常工作!

Maybe I missed a very stupid little thing, but anyways thanks for the help. 也许我错过了一个非常愚蠢的小事情,但是无论如何都感谢您的帮助。

Edit 编辑

The (messed up) events_timeslots table in schema.rb : schema.rb的( events_timeslotsevents_timeslots表:

create_table "events_timeslots", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.bigint "events_id"
  t.bigint "timeslots_id"
  t.datetime "created_at", null: false
  t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
  t.index ["events_id"], name: "index_events_timeslots_on_events_id"
  t.index ["timeslots_id"], name: "index_events_timeslots_on_timeslots_id"   

Assuming your foreign keys are the standard: event_id and timeslot_id ... 假设您的外键是标准的: event_idtimeslot_id ...

Then perhaps try swapping timeslots with timeslot_ids in the permit method: 然后也许尝试在permit方法中将timeslotstimeslot_ids交换:

params.require(:event).permit(:date, timeslot_ids: [])

Then, rather than setting the attributes of the join table in a nested form, just update the timeslot_ids on the @event : 然后,而不是嵌套形式设置连接表的属性,只需更新timeslot_ids@event

<%= form_with(model: event, local: true) do |form| %>

    <%= form.select(:timeslot_ids, Timeslot.all.collect {|t| [t.name, t.id]}, {}, {multiple: true}) %>

<% end %>

fields_for is for when you are creating nested records with accepts_nested_attributes . fields_for用于在创建带有accepts_nested_attributes嵌套记录时。

Its not needed when you are simply associating items: 当您简单地关联项目时,不需要它:

<%= form_with(model: event, local: true) do |form| %>
  <%= f.collection_select(:timeslot_ids, Timeslot.all, :id, :name, multiple: true) %>
<% end %>

ActiveRecord creates a _ids setter method for has_many associations that takes an array of ids. ActiveRecord为has_many关联创建一个_ids setter方法,该方法采用ID数组。 This works hand in hand with the form helpers . 这与表单帮助器协同工作。

To whitelist an array param you need to pass it as a keyword to permit: 要将数组参数列入白名单,您需要将其作为关键字传递以允许:

params.require(:event).permit(:foo, :bar, timeslot_ids: [])

Using [] permits any scalar value. 使用[]允许任何标量值。


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