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[英]How to remove or disable plugin in CefSharp

I need to disable Flash Player. 我需要禁用Flash Player。 I tried to do this through the RequestContextHandler, but it did not work: 我试图通过RequestContextHandler做到这一点,但没有成功:

public class RequestContextHandler : IRequestContextHandler
    public ICookieManager GetCookieManager()
        return null;

    public bool OnBeforePluginLoad(string mimeType, string url, bool isMainFrame, string topOriginUrl, WebPluginInfo pluginInfo, ref PluginPolicy pluginPolicy)
        bool blockPluginLoad = pluginInfo.Name.ToLower().Contains("flash");
        return blockPluginLoad;

Whoer.net shows that Flash is not disabled. Whoer.net显示未禁用Flash。

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

How I can disable "pepflashplayer" plugin? 如何禁用“ pepflashplayer”插件?

Аlso need to configure the plugin policy: 还需要配置插件策略:

public class RequestContextHandler : IRequestContextHandler
    public ICookieManager GetCookieManager()
        return null;

    public bool OnBeforePluginLoad(string mimeType, string url, bool isMainFrame, string topOriginUrl, WebPluginInfo pluginInfo, ref PluginPolicy pluginPolicy)

        bool blockPluginLoad = pluginInfo.Name.ToLower().Contains("flash");
        if (blockPluginLoad)
            pluginPolicy = PluginPolicy.Disable;
        return blockPluginLoad;

Thanks to @stuartd 感谢@stuartd

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