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[英]How to plot complex numbers in Mathematica?

I have a very simple equation that I want to plot in Mathematica without Wolfram Alpha and I am having some trouble. 我有一个非常简单的方程式,想在没有Wolfram Alpha的情况下在Mathematica中绘制,但遇到了一些麻烦。 This is the equation [ z^7 = 1 - i ] and I have used eq3 = Solve[{z^7 == 1 - i}, {z}] and found the answers but I want to plot them now but Plot function doesn't plot it. 这是方程式[z ^ 7 = 1-i],我使用eq3 = Solve [{z ^ 7 == 1-i},{z}]并找到了答案,但现在我想将其绘制出来,但使用绘图功能不会绘制它。 I tried CounterPlot and DensityPlot and neither of these functions is plotting it. 我尝试了CounterPlot和DensityPlot,但这些函数均未对其进行绘制。 please help! 请帮忙!

I tried solving it like this eq3 = Solve[z^7 == 1 - I, z]; 我试图像这样eq3 = Solve [z ^ 7 == 1-I,z]; Graphics[Point[ReIm[z /. Graphics [Point [ReIm [z /。 eq3]]] and ListPlot[ReIm[z /. eq3]]]和ListPlot [ReIm [z /。 eq3]] EQ3]

Here is a solution: 这是一个解决方案:

eq := z^7 == 1 - I
eq3 = Solve[eq, {z}] // Flatten // Values;
ListPlot[{Re[eq3], Im[eq3]}, PlotMarkers -> Automatic, Joined -> True, PlotLabels -> {"Real part", "Imaginary part"}, AxesLabel -> {"Root number"}, GridLines -> Automatic]

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