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[英]qsort an array of structs in a struct

I'm attempting to sort an array of structs in a struct based on an int value. 我试图基于int值对结构中的结构数组进行排序。 I've successfully sorted an array of structs but I'm guessing I'm passing a wrong value somewhere for the nested structs. 我已经成功地对结构体数组进行了排序,但是我猜想我在某个地方为嵌套结构体传递了错误的值。

I just need the structs in the array sorted the value of a. 我只需要数组中的结构对a的值进行排序。

The structs are set up as: 结构设置为:

struct s2{
    int a;
    int b;

struct s1{
    int c;
    struct s2 arr[10];

I have a compare function: 我有一个比较功能:

int comp(const void *a, const void *b){

    struct s1 *q1 = (struct s1 *)a;
    struct s1 *q2 = (struct s1 *)b;

    return(q1->arr->a - q2->arr->a); 

And I call qsort: 我打电话给qsort:

struct s1 myStruct; 
size_t theLen = sizeof(myStruct.arr) / sizeof(struct s2);
qsort(myStruct.arr, 10, theLen, comp);

For the input: 对于输入:

10, 5, 7, 20, 17, 9, 3, 11, 15, 1

I get output: 我得到输出:

2147451181, 589824, 327680, 65536, 131072, 4, 5, 11, 15, 8

I'm guessing it may be something to do with how I declare the length? 我猜这可能与我声明长度有关吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

The file line is: 文件行是:

10 5 7 20 17 9 3 11 15 1

myStruct.arr[i].a is filled from file input using fgets and sscanf: 使用fgets和sscanf从文件输入中填充myStruct.arr [i] .a:

fgets(t, sizeof(t), fp);
sscanf(t, "%d,...,%d", &myStruct.arr[0].a,...,&myStruct.arr[9].a); 

myStruct.arr[i].b is filled with a for loop: myStruct.arr [i] .b充满了for循环:

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
    myStruct.arr[i].b = i+1;
qsort(myStruct.arr, 10, theLen, comp);

You are sorting myStruct.arr here where each element is of type struct s2 .So your compare should be 您在这里对myStruct.arr进行排序,其中每个元素的类型均为struct s2 。因此,您的比较应该为

int comp(const void *a, const void *b){

struct s2 *q1 = (struct s2 *)a;
struct s2 *q2 = (struct s2 *)b;

return(q1->a - q2->a); 

EDIT: the third parameter to qsort is the size of each element of array to be sorted.So it should be 编辑: qsort的第三个参数是要排序的数组的每个元素的大小,因此它应该是

qsort(myStruct.arr, theLen, sizeof(struct s2), comp);

There are two mistakes with your code 您的代码有两个错误

  1. You are using q1->arr->a to compare where you should use q1->a (where q1 is of type const struct s2 ). 您正在使用q1->arr->a来比较应该使用q1->a (其中q1const struct s2类型)。 This has also been explained by @GauravSehgal in his answer @GauravSehgal在回答中也对此进行了解释

  2. If you look at the third argument to qsort , it is acutally the size of each element to compare in bytes. 如果查看qsort的第三个参数,则它实际上是要比较的每个元素的大小(以字节为单位)。 But you have passed the number of elements. 但是您已经通过了元素数量。 Change your call to - 将通话更改为-

    qsort(myStruct.arr, 10, sizeof(struct s2), comp);

and you should get the desired result. 并且您应该得到期望的结果。

There are some other points you need to take care of (pointed out by @Stargateur) - 还有一些其他需要注意的地方(@Stargateur指出)-

  1. Declare q1 and q2 to be of type const struct s2* , because you do not want to discard the const qualifier. q1q2声明为const struct s2*类型,因为您不想丢弃const限定符。

  2. Do not cast a and b explicitly while assigning to q1 and q2 because they are of type const void* which auto-promotes to pointer of any const type. 分配给q1q2时,请勿显式转换ab ,因为它们的类型为const void* ,它会自动提升为任何const类型的指针。

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