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Laravel 5.5中的Pivot-Column访问器

[英]Accessor for Pivot-Column in Laravel 5.5

My database looks like this: 我的数据库看起来像这样:

dishes (id, image) 菜肴 (身份证,图片)

dish_location (location_id, dish_id, dishcard_sharing) dish_location (location_id,dish_id,dishcard_sharing)

locations (id, name) 地点 (身份证,姓名)

The columns image and dishcard_sharing are both paths like /images/1234/123123.jpg . 图像dishcard_sharing都是像/images/1234/123123.jpg这样的路径。 For the dishes.image-column I just added an accessor to prepend the S3-url. 对于dishes.image-column,我刚添加了一个访问器来添加S3-url。 Now I need such an accessor for the dish_location.dishcard_sharing colunm too. 现在我也需要dish_location.dishcard_sharing colunm这样的访问器。 But where to implement it? 但是在哪里实施呢?


namespace App\Models;

use DB;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Grimzy\LaravelMysqlSpatial\Types\Point;
use App\Models\DishLocationPivot;

class Dish extends Model
    public $table_name = 'dishes';

    public function locations() {
        return $this
          ->belongsToMany('App\Models\Location', 'dish_location', 'dish_id', 'location_id')

    /* Accessors */
    public function getImageAttribute($value) {
        return config('filesystems.store_url_prefix') . $value;

    public function scopeFinalize($query) {

      // Dish Card?
      $query->addSelect('dish_location.dishcard_sharing AS dishcard_sharing');
      return $query;

One option is to create a new class that extends the Pivot: 一种选择是创建一个扩展Pivot的新类:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot;

class DishLocation extends Pivot {

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