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[英]Python: None value when returning from function

I'm writing a program that stores 3 players and their scores in a list and then prints them out at the end. 我正在编写一个程序,将3个球员及其得分存储在列表中,然后在最后打印出来。 Simple stuff really, however I'm trying to call the value for the player score from a function called playerscore() which prevents you from entering a score >5. 确实很简单,但是我试图通过一个名为playerscore()的函数调用玩家得分的值,该函数阻止您输入得分> 5。

this works fine when you run through it with the correct value, but if you input an incorrect value > 5 then it begins the playerscore function again and allows for a new value to be entered but returns "None" 当您使用正确的值运行它时,它工作正常,但是如果输入的错误值> 5,它将再次启动playerscore函数,并允许输入新值,但返回“ None”

teamlist = []

def playercreator():
    while counter < 3:
        name = playername()
        score = playerscore()
        print(score) #check - this one goes wrong when returned after the if/else in playerscore()
        teamlist.append(name+" "+str(score))
        counter = counter + 1

def playername():
    name=input("What name do you want for your player?\n")
    return (name)

def playerscore():
    global teamtotal
    score=input("input score?\n")
    print(score) #check
    if int(score)>5:
        print("Your attack score must be between 0 and 5")
        print(score) #check
        return int(score)


for x in teamlist:

for example, these are the inputs and outputs: 例如,这些是输入和输出:

What name do you want for your player?
input score?
What name do you want for your player?
input score?
Your attack score must be between 0 and 5
input score?
What name do you want for your player?
input score?

p1 3
p2 None
p3 2

I feel like there's something obvious that i'm missing. 我觉得我很想念一些东西。 Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向?

You are missing a return statement in the if block (when the score is greater than 5): 您在if块中缺少一个return语句(分数大于5时):

def playerscore():
    global teamtotal
    score=input("input score?\n")
    if int(score)>5:
        print("Your attack score must be between 0 and 5")        
        return playerscore()
        return int(score)

Output: 输出:

What name do you want for your player?
input score?
What name do you want for your player?
input score?
Your attack score must be between 0 and 5
input score?
Your attack score must be between 0 and 5
input score?
Your attack score must be between 0 and 5
input score?
What name do you want for your player?
input score?
shovon 2
sorida 1
shody 2

From official documentation : 根据官方文件

In fact, even functions without a return statement do return a value, albeit a rather boring one. 实际上,即使没有return语句的函数也确实会返回一个值,尽管这很无聊。 This value is called None (it's a built-in name). 此值称为“无”(这是一个内置名称)。

When you are doing this: 执行此操作时:

if int(score)>5:

you call playerscore function without return statement. 您调用playerscore函数而无需return语句。 This produces None value. 这将产生None值。

The type of recursion you're trying to do with your code will work with a small correction on your code... which follows: 您尝试对代码进行的递归类型将对您的代码进行一些小的更正...如下:

def playerscore():
global teamtotal
score=input("input score?\n")
print(score) #check
if int(score)>5:
    print("Your attack score must be between 0 and 5")
    print(score) #check
    return playerscore()
    return int(score)

You can notice that this time, we returned playerscore() . 您可能会注意到,这次,我们返回了playerscore() As it seems like you're learning the basics, I'd like to propose a slightly different approach, as you'll get a ValueError exception if the player types a string (some letters) instead of a number. 好像您正在学习基础知识一样,我想提出一种略有不同的方法,因为如果播放器键入字符串(某些字母)而不是数字,则会出现ValueError异常。 You can keep using your recursive function in the exception catch, and use a while loop to make the player to keep the number within your desired range. 您可以在异常捕获中继续使用递归函数,并使用while循环使播放器将数字保持在所需范围内。 Here follows my suggestion to prevent the ValueError exception: 我的建议如下,以防止ValueError异常:

def playerscore():
global teamtotal
score=input("input score?\n")
    while int(score) < 0 or int(score) > 5:
        print("Your attack score must be between 0 and 5")
        print(score)  # check
        score = input("input score?\n")
except ValueError:
    print("Your attack score must be A NUMBER between 0 and 5")
    return playerscore()
return int(score)

I hope that helps. 希望对您有所帮助。 Regards. 问候。

When function doesn't return anything, value will be None . 当函数不返回任何值时,值将为None

So you should check your code for the case where score is larger than 5. (Compare it to the case where score is not larger than five.) 因此,对于score大于5的情况,您应该检查代码。(与分数大于5的情况进行比较)。

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