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[英]Python how to check if an input only contains certain characters?

I am trying to get my code to check if a user input only contains the following characters: "!$%^&*()_-+=" 我正在尝试获取代码以检查用户输入是否仅包含以下字符: "!$%^&*()_-+="

If it contains any other characters then points should be subtracted. 如果它包含任何其他字符,则应减去点。 I tried this but it doesn't work properly: 我试过了,但是不能正常工作:

if "a-z" not in password and "A-Z" not in password and "0-9" not in password:
    points = points - 1

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

Thank you 谢谢

You can use use a regular expression by escaping the characters you listed above: 您可以通过转义上面列出的字符来使用正则表达式:

import re
s = "_%&&^$"
if not re.findall("^[\!\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\-\+\=]+$", s):
    points -= 1

I would use regex. 我会使用正则表达式。

import re
if not (re.compile("[\"\!\$\%\^\&\*\(\)_\-\+=\"]+").match(s)): #Subtract points

As others have said you can use regex. 正如其他人所说,您可以使用正则表达式。 A generator expression like this works too: 这样的生成器表达式也可以工作:

points -= sum(1 for x in password if x not in '!$%^&*()_-+=')

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