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[英]Merge multiindex with multiple column levels and dataframe

Say I have a multiindex mi as follows: 假设我有一个多索引mi ,如下所示:

        Serial No.               Date          
        A       B         A         B
0  816292  934609  27/01/17  27/01/17
1  983803  683858  25/01/17  26/01/17
2  596573  493741  27/01/17  28/01/17
3  199203  803515  28/01/17  28/01/17

A and B are two parts such that the multiindex contains information about the serial number and build date of multiple instances of the two parts. A和B是两个部分,因此multiindex包含有关两个部分的多个实例的序列号和构建日期的信息。

I have a dataframe df containing test information for part A, as follows: 我有一个数据帧df其中包含A部分的测试信息,如下所示:

        A    Test 1    Test 2    Test 3      
0  816292  0.934609  0.475035  0.822712
1  983803  0.683858  0.025861  0.691112
2  596573  0.493741  0.397398  0.489101
3  199203  0.803515  0.679537  0.308588

I would like to be able to merge these two and yield something like 我希望能够合并这两个并产生类似

        Serial No.               Date                         Tests
        A       B         A         B    Test 1    Test 2    Test 3
0  816292  934609  27/01/17  27/01/17  0.934609  0.475035  0.822712
1  983803  683858  25/01/17  26/01/17  0.683858  0.025861  0.691112
2  596573  493741  27/01/17  28/01/17  0.493741  0.397398  0.489101
3  199203  803515  28/01/17  28/01/17  0.803515  0.679537  0.308588

My initial attempt was 我最初的尝试是

mi = mi.merge(df,left_on=('Serial No.','A'),right_on='A',how='inner')

but that yields ValueError: len(right_on) must equal len(left_on) . 但这会产生ValueError: len(right_on) must equal len(left_on) I have tried adding an additional column index 'Tests' to df and then doing 我尝试向df添加一个额外的列索引'Tests' ,然后执行

mi = mi.merge(df,left_on=('Serial No.','A'),right_on=('Tests','A'),how='inner')

but that yields KeyError: 'A' 但这会产生KeyError: 'A'

The easiest way is to fix df 's columns to match mi : 最简单的方法是修复df的列以匹配mi

In [11]: df
        A    Test 1    Test 2    Test 3
0  816292  0.934609  0.475035  0.822712
1  983803  0.683858  0.025861  0.691112
2  596573  0.493741  0.397398  0.489101
3  199203  0.803515  0.679537  0.308588

In [12]: df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([["Serial No.", "Test", "Test", "Test"], df.columns])

In [13]: df
  Serial No.      Test
           A    Test 1    Test 2    Test 3
0     816292  0.934609  0.475035  0.822712
1     983803  0.683858  0.025861  0.691112
2     596573  0.493741  0.397398  0.489101
3     199203  0.803515  0.679537  0.308588

Then a merge will "just work": 然后合并将“正常工作”:

In [14]: df.merge(mi)
  Serial No.      Test                     Serial No.      Date
           A    Test 1    Test 2    Test 3          B         A         B
0     816292  0.934609  0.475035  0.822712     934609  27/01/17  27/01/17
1     983803  0.683858  0.025861  0.691112     683858  25/01/17  26/01/17
2     596573  0.493741  0.397398  0.489101     493741  27/01/17  28/01/17
3     199203  0.803515  0.679537  0.308588     803515  28/01/17  28/01/17

There's a bunch of ways to create the top level of the MultiIndex, here I just wrote the list: 有多种方法可以创建MultiIndex的顶层,在这里,我只是编写了列表:

["Serial No.", "Test", "Test", "Test"]

by hand... but you can generate that: it's just a list. 手工...但是您可以生成它:它只是一个列表。

mi.set_index(('Serial No.', 'A')).join(
    pd.concat([df.set_index('A')], axis=1, keys=['Tests'])

  Serial No.              Date               Tests                    
           A       B         A         B    Test 1    Test 2    Test 3
0     816292  934609  27/01/17  27/01/17  0.934609  0.475035  0.822712
1     983803  683858  25/01/17  26/01/17  0.683858  0.025861  0.691112
2     596573  493741  27/01/17  28/01/17  0.493741  0.397398  0.489101
3     199203  803515  28/01/17  28/01/17  0.803515  0.679537  0.308588

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