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带有 Spring DI 的 Kotlin:lateinit 属性尚未初始化

[英]Kotlin with Spring DI: lateinit property has not been initialized

I don't get Spring-based setter dependency injection in Kotlin to work as it always terminates with the error message "lateinit property api has not been initialized".我在 Kotlin 中没有让基于 Spring 的 setter 依赖注入工作,因为它总是以错误消息“lateinit property api has not been initialized”终止。 I could reduce the problem to the following scenario: There is an interface我可以将问题简化为以下场景:有一个接口

interface IApi {
  fun retrieveContent(): String

which is implemented by这是由

class Api : IApi {
    override fun retrieveContent() = "Some Content"

I want to use the implementation in another class where the dependency injection is supposed to take place:我想在应该发生依赖项注入的另一个类中使用该实现:

class SomeController {
    @Autowired lateinit var api: IApi
    fun printReceivedContent() {

However, the application terminates with the above-mentioned error message.但是,应用程序以上述错误消息终止。 My Spring config looks as follows:我的 Spring 配置如下所示:

open class DIConfig {
    open fun getApiInstance(): IApi = Api()

In the main function I load the application context and call the method:在主函数中,我加载应用程序上下文并调用方法:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val context = AnnotationConfigApplicationContext()

    val controller = SomeController()

What is the problem here?这里有什么问题?

Spring isn't involved if you just call the constructor yourself like that.如果您像这样自己调用构造函数,则不涉及 Spring。 Same as in Java,和Java一样,

val controller = context.getBean(SomeController::class.java)

Spring Framework 5.0 adds Kotlin extensions , so you could also write either one of Spring Framework 5.0 添加了Kotlin 扩展,因此您也可以编写以下任一

val controller = context.getBean<SomeController>()
val controller: SomeController = context.getBean()

您的 api 目前不是 spring 管理的 bean,请尝试使用 @Service 或 @Component 对其进行注释

The @Autowired is usually added to the setter of a property. @Autowired通常被添加到@Autowired的设置器中。 So instead of using it for the property, you should explicitly annotate the setter:因此,不应将其用于属性,而应显式注释 setter:

@set:Autowired lateinit var api: IApi


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