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[英]re-rendering React Component

I have a react class in which I need to use shouldComponentUpdate() , to prevent an infinite loop between the component and its parent. 我有一个react类,需要在其中使用shouldComponentUpdate() ,以防止组件与其父对象之间发生无限循环。

I simply check whether a deep clone of nextProps is equal to this.props , and I only update the component if they're not. 我只是简单地检查nextProps的深层克隆是否等于this.props ,并且仅更新不相等的组件。

So far, so good. 到现在为止还挺好。 (?) (?)

class Child extends Component {
  onComponentUpdate = (e) => {
  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    return  JSON.stringify(nextProps) !== JSON.stringify(this.props)
  render() {
    return (
        // some code that might trigger onComponentUpdate()

Now, in my parent component, something happens that makes me want to re-render the child, without specific props changing. 现在,在我的父组件中,发生了一些事情,使我想在不更改特定道具的情况下重新渲染孩子。 What I did now, is changing a counter in state and passing it to the child as a prop. 我现在要做的是更改状态计数器,并将其作为道具传递给孩子。 I never do anything with the counter itself, it is merely an indication for the child that props actually changed so that the child should update. 我从不对计数器进行任何操作,这只是指示孩子道具实际发生了变化,以便孩子可以更新。

class Parent extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = { counter: 0 }
  otherChildChanged = () => {
    this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 })
  render() {
    return (
          update={"some function"}
        <OtherChild onChange={this.otherChildChanged}>
        // some code that might trigger onComponentUpdate()

Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗?

You should pass down the size of your resizable div as a prop to the Child Component. 您应该向下传递可调整大小的div的大小,以作为子组件的支持。 This way, when it changes, JSON.stringify(nextProps) !== JSON.stringify(this.props) will be true and a re-render will occur. 这样,当它更改时, JSON.stringify(nextProps) !== JSON.stringify(this.props)将为true并且将进行重新渲染。

If a component has to behave in a certain way (re-render, for example) depending on something that happens on his Parent, it should be passed to it as a prop. 如果某个组件必须根据其父上发生的某些事情以某种方式(例如重新渲染)运行,则应将其作为道具传递给它。

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