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[英]Is there a more Pythonic way to loop through a list and then have each loop variable update a dictionary?

I am trying to write a more pythonic or a more concise way and avoid writing too many for loops. 我正在尝试编写一种更Python化或更简洁的方法,并避免编写过多的for循环。

Basically I have the following block code: 基本上我有以下代码:

result = {}
for model_name in list_of_model_names:
    model_fields = _do_something(model_name)
    result['{}_fields'.format(model_name)] = model_fields
return result

In essence, I am looping through a list of strings. 本质上,我在遍历字符串列表。 Each string I will perform some action so that some derivative of that string becomes a key and value pair in a dictionary. 我将对每个字符串执行一些操作,以使该字符串的某些派生成为字典中的键和值对。

I am reading through http://www.u.arizona.edu/~erdmann/mse350/topics/list_comprehensions.html 我正在阅读http://www.u.arizona.edu/~erdmann/mse350/topics/list_comprehensions.html

I know that : 我知道 :

  1. Map returns a list 地图返回列表
  2. Filter reduces the number of elements 过滤器减少元素数量
  3. Reduce looks like it will return the native data type within the list. Reduce看起来将返回列表中的本机数据类型。 Maybe string or number depending on the original list. 可能是字符串或数字,具体取决于原始列表。

My code is working, I was wondering if there's a more concise or a more pythonic way to loop through a list and have its loop variable affect the key and value of a dictionary. 我的代码正在运行,我想知道是否有更简洁或更Python的方式遍历列表,并使其循环变量影响字典的键和值。

You can be more concise using: 您可以使用以下方法更简洁:

result = {(name+'_fields'): _do_something(name) for name in list_of_model_names}

Whether that's more readable, or useful is up to you though. 究竟是可读性还是有用性取决于您。

Generally, the more Pythonic way is not to use map , filter , and reduce , but to use comprehensions. 通常,更Python化的方法不是使用mapfilterreduce ,而是使用comprehensions。

For your code, that would be 对于您的代码,那将是

result = {'{}_fields'.format(model_name): _do_something(model_name)
          for model_name in list_of_model_names}

Comprehensions can also work for lists and sets. 理解也可以用于列表和集合。

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