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[英]Pass props to React container component

I'm new to React. 我是React的新手。 I'm displaying a list of songs and I want to allow the user to add songs to their favourites. 我正在显示歌曲列表,我希望允许用户将歌曲添加到他们的收藏夹中。 I'm using Redux to store the favourited songs. 我正在使用Redux来存储收藏的歌曲。 My PlayList component looks like: 我的播放列表组件如下所示:

import AddSong from '../containers/AddSong'

class Playlist extends Component {

        return (
            <ul className="container">
              {this.state.items.map(item =>
                <li key={item.track.id}>
                    {item.track.name} by {item.track.artists[0].name}
                    <img src={item.track.album.images[0].url} height="150" width="150" />

                    <AddSong title={item.track.name} />



So I passing the song name to AddSong with <AddSong title={item.track.name} /> 所以我用<AddSong title={item.track.name} />将歌曲名称传递给AddSong

And AddSong looks like: 和AddSong看起来像:

import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { addSong } from '../actions'

let AddSong = ({ dispatch }) => {
  let input

  console.log('this is ', this);

  return (
        onSubmit={e => {

          ref={node => {
            input = node
        <button type="submit">
          Add Song
AddSong = connect()(AddSong)

export default AddSong

However, this is an object with the property: 但是, this是一个具有以下属性的对象:

   a: Connect(props, context)

How do I get the song title in AddSong? 如何在AddSong中获得歌曲标题?


So this is what I have now, Im passing the song title to AddSong here: 所以这就是我现在所拥有的,我在这里将歌曲标题传递给AddSong:

<AddSong song={item.track.name} title={item.track.name} />

I'm passing the song title in as song and title to show what happens. 我将歌曲标题作为歌曲和标题传递,以显示发生了什么。

In AddSong, I have: 在AddSong中,我有:

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {

    const {song:song} = state; // or whatever the reducer called
    return {song};

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({

    addSong: (value) => dispatch(addSong(value)),

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AddSong);

And at the top of AddSong I'm doing: 在AddSong的顶部,我正在做:

let AddSong = ({ dispatch, ...props }) => {
  let input

  console.log('props is ', props);

The console outputs: 控制台输出:

props is  Object {song: undefined, title: "Young Blood"}

I've changed the button to: 我将按钮更改为:

<button onClick={(value)=>props.addSong(value)}>
  Add Song

When I click, this gives the error: 当我单击时,出现错误:

Failed prop type: Invalid prop `songs[0].text` of type `object` supplied to `SongList`, expected `string

Try to use this function 尝试使用此功能

const mapStateToProps = function(store) {
  return {
    data: store.data

AddSong = connect(mapStateToProps)(AddSong)

I assume you have the reducer and you want to access the state via props, if this the case you can mapStateToProps eg 我假设您有reducer,并且您想通过props访问状态,如果是这种情况,则可以mapStateToProps例如

 const mapStateToProps = (state) => { const {song:song} = state; // or whatever the reducer called return {song}; }; const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ addSong: (value) => dispatch(addSong(value)), }); export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AddSong); 

then you can just write this.props.song . 然后您可以编写this.props.song

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