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[英]How to iterate over values in dictionary which each key has multiple values

I have a dictionary like this: 我有一本这样的字典:

{4722: "['children', 'dance', 'education','technology', 'teaching']",
3200: "['alternative energy', 'sustainability', 'technology']",
1636: "['computers', 'performance', 'simplicity', 'software', 'ice']",
1697: "['MacArthur grant', 'inequality', 'technology', 'pollution']"}

Now I want to find the word 'technology' in each row and sum the keys. 现在,我想在每一行中找到“技术”一词,并对键求和。 Like here I should have the sum of 4722 + 3200 + 1697 . 像这里一样,我的总和为4722 + 3200 + 1697。

Can anyone help me please? 谁能帮我吗?

I should mention that my original data frame has 2000 rows. 我应该提到我的原始数据框有2000行。

Use the sum() built-in function, passing an appropriate generator expression: sum(k for k,v in d.items() if 'technology' in v) (nb use d.iteritems() in Python2). 使用内置函数sum() ,并传递一个适当的生成器表达式: sum(k for k,v in d.items() if 'technology' in v) (nb在Python2中使用d.iteritems() )。

Runnable demo: 可运行的演示:

d = {
    4722: "['children', 'dance', 'education','technology', 'teaching']",
    3200: "['alternative energy', 'sustainability', 'technology']",
    1636: "['computers', 'performance', 'simplicity', 'software', 'ice']",
    1697: "['MacArthur grant', 'inequality', 'technology', 'pollution']"

result = sum(k for k,v in d.items() if 'technology' in v)
assert result == 9619

References: 参考文献:

your_data = {
    4722: "['children', 'dance', 'education','technology', 'teaching']",
    3200: "['alternative energy', 'sustainability', 'technology']",
    1636: "['computers', 'performance', 'simplicity', 'software', 'ice']",
    1697: "['MacArthur grant', 'inequality', 'technology', 'pollution']"

sum_up = 0
for k, v in your_data.items():
    if 'technology' in v:
        sum_up += k

print('sum_up:', sum_up)

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