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[英]How to move script from view to application.js in rails

Doing some research this is the code that worked for me but it is in the view and I would like to move to the application.js so I can use in different forms. 做一些研究,这是对我有用的代码,但是它在视图中,因此我想移至application.js,以便以不同的形式使用。

The other thing is that I have two scripts doing the same thing. 另一件事是我有两个脚本执行相同的操作。 One is for when I click on the checkbox and the other is to check if it is already checked when loading the page. 一种是当我单击复选框时,另一种是在加载页面时检查是否已选中。 Can I merge them so I don't have to repeat the code? 我可以合并它们,这样就不必重复代码了吗?

<script type="text/javascript">
    function hideAddress()
<script type="text/javascript">
    $( document ).ready(function hideAddress() {
            if ($('#same').is(":checked"))

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I tried moving to the application.js without the script tags, but now the .ready function doesn't work unless I reload the page. 我尝试移动到没有脚本标签的application.js,但是现在除非重新加载页面,.ready函数才起作用。

$( document ).ready(hideAddress);

    function hideAddress()

So it looks like turbolinks makes document ready not work properly, so instead of (document).ready I had to do $(document).on('turbolinks:load' . 所以看起来turbolinks使文档准备工作无法正常工作,所以代替(document).ready我不得不做$(document).on('turbolinks:load'

So i ended up setting this code on my application.js 所以我最终在我的application.js上设置了这段代码

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require_tree .

    $(document).on('turbolinks:load', hideAddress );

    function hideAddress()

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