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[英]R - cut by breaks and count number of occurrences by group

I have a data frame that looks like this: 我有一个看起来像这样的数据框:

dat <- structure(list(Geocode = c("1100015", "1100023", "1100031", "1100049", 
"1100056", "1100064", "1100072", "1100080", "1100098", "1100106", 
"1100114", "1100122", "1100130", "1100148", "1100155", "1100189", 
"1100205", "1100254", "1100262", "1100288", "1100296", "1100304", 
"1100320", "1100338", "1100346", "1100379", "1100403", "1100452", 
"1100502", "1100601"), Location = c("Alta Floresta D'oeste, RO", 
"Ariquemes, RO", "Cabixi, RO", "Cacoal, RO", "Cerejeiras, RO", 
"Colorado Do Oeste, RO", "Corumbiara, RO", "Costa Marques, RO", 
"Espigo D'oeste, RO", "Guajar-Mirim, RO", "Jaru, RO", "Ji-Paran, RO", 
"Machadinho D'oeste, RO", "Nova Brasilndia D'oeste, RO", "Ouro Preto Do Oeste, RO", 
"Pimenta Bueno, RO", "Porto Velho, RO", "Presidente Mdici, RO", 
"Rio Crespo, RO", "Rolim De Moura, RO", "Santa Luzia D'oeste, RO", 
"Vilhena, RO", "So Miguel Do Guapor, RO", "Nova Mamor, RO", "Alvorada D'oeste, RO", 
"Alto Alegre Dos Parecis, RO", "Alto Paraso, RO", "Buritis, RO", 
"Novo Horizonte Do Oeste, RO", "Cacaulandia, RO"), Region = c("Norte", 
"Norte", "Norte", "Norte", "Norte", "Norte", "Norte", "Norte", 
"Norte", "Norte", "Sul", "Sul", "Sul", "Sul", "Sul", 
"Sul", "Sul", "Sul", "Sul", "Sul", "Nordeste", "Nordeste", 
"Nordeste", "Nordeste", "Nordeste", "Nordeste", "Nordeste", "Nordeste", "Nordeste", 
"Nordeste"), Population = c(25578L, 104401L, 6355L, 87226L, 17986L, 
18817L, 8842L, 16651L, 32385L, 46632L, 55738L, 130419L, 37167L, 
21592L, 39924L, 37512L, 502748L, 22557L, 3750L, 56242L, 8532L, 
91801L, 23933L, 27600L, 17063L, 13940L, 20210L, 37838L, 10276L, 
6367L)), .Names = c("Geocode", "Location", "Region", "Population"
), row.names = c(NA, 30L), class = "data.frame")

It shows the population of some cities, as well as the region that the cities pertain to. 它显示了一些城市的人口以及城市所属的区域。

I need to classify the population into breaks ( breaks=c(0,50000,100000) ), and then find the counts of cities according to the breaks, both as a whole (all regions) and separating by region. 我需要将人口分类为细分( breaks=c(0,50000,100000) ),然后根据细分(整体(所有区域)和按区域breaks=c(0,50000,100000)找到城市的计数。

The resulting data frame should look like this (random, hypothetical values): 结果数据帧应如下所示(随机,假设值):

Class                  Region       Count
[0-50000]               Norte        7
[50000-100000]          Norte        3
[>100000]               Norte        0
[0-50000]               Sul          5
[50000-100000]          Sul          4
[>100000]               Sul          1
[0-50000]               Nordeste     4
[50000-100000]          Nordeste     5
[>100000]               Nordeste     1
[0-50000]               All          16
[50000-100000]          All          12
[>100000]               All          2

Any help appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

By using cut and dplyr 通过使用cutdplyr


          Class   Region count
         <fctr>    <chr> <int>
 1      0-50000 Nordeste     9
 2      0-50000    Norte     8
 3      0-50000      Sul     6
 4 50000-100000 Nordeste     1
 5 50000-100000    Norte     1
 6 50000-100000      Sul     2
 7      >100000    Norte     1
 8      >100000      Sul     2
 9      0-50000      All    23
10 50000-100000      All     4
11      >100000      All     3

Here is a quick and dirty method, might update this later to make it more clean and avoid having to bind_rows() 这是一种快速而又肮脏的方法,可能会在以后进行更新以使其更加整洁并避免不得不bind_rows()

Try the following: 请尝试以下操作:


dat_1 <- dat %>% 
  mutate(population_breaks = case_when(Population <= 50000 ~ "0-50000",
                                       Population >= 50000 & Population <= 100000 ~ "50000-100000",
                                       Population >= 100000 ~ ">100000")) %>% 
  group_by(population_breaks) %>% 

dat_2 <- dat %>% 
  mutate(population_breaks = case_when(Population <= 50000 ~ "0-50000",
                                       Population >= 50000 & Population <= 100000 ~ "50000-100000",
                                       Population >= 100000 ~ ">100000")) %>% 
  group_by(population_breaks) %>% 
  count(population_breaks) %>% 
  mutate(Region = "All")

bind_rows(dat_1, dat_2)  

Which returns: 哪个返回:

# A tibble: 11 x 3
# Groups:   population_breaks [3]
   population_breaks   Region     n
               <chr>    <chr> <int>
 1           0-50000 Nordeste     9
 2      50000-100000 Nordeste     1
 3           >100000    Norte     1
 4           0-50000    Norte     8
 5      50000-100000    Norte     1
 6           >100000      Sul     2
 7           0-50000      Sul     6
 8      50000-100000      Sul     2
 9           >100000      All     3
10           0-50000      All    23
11      50000-100000      All     4

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