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yii2“ minHeight”规则的自定义错误消息

[英]yii2 custom error message for 'minHeight' rule

Here is my rule 这是我的规则

            'skipOnEmpty' => true,
            'minHeight' =>  '281',
            'minWidth' =>  '281',
            'extensions' => 'png, jpg, gif',
            'wrongExtension' => 'Faqat .png, .jpg, yoki .gif formatidagi rasmlarni yuklashingiz mumkin!',

How can I write custom error message for 'minHeight' and 'minWidth' ? 如何为“ minHeight”和“ minWidth”编写自定义错误消息?

Use underHeight and underWidth keys (just like you used wrongExtension ). 使用underHeightunderWidth键(就像您使用wrongExtension )。

Available placeholders: 可用的占位符:

  • {attribute} : the attribute name {attribute} :属性名称
  • {file} : the uploaded file name {file} :上传的文件名
  • {limit} : the value of $minWidth (or $minHeight) {limit} :$ minWidth(或$ minHeight)的值

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